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Stability analysis for optimal control problems governed by semilinear evolution equation


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Stability analysis for optimal control problems

governed by semilinear evolution equation

Hongyong Deng


and Wei Wei




1Department of Mathematics,

Guizhou University, Guiyang, 550025, P.R. China

2Department of Mathematics,

Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang, 550025, P.R. China


In this paper, the stability of solutions of optimal control for the distributed parameter system governed by a semilinear evolution equation with compact control set in the spaceL1(0,T;E) is discussed. The stability results for optimal control problems with respect to the right-hand side functions are obtained by the theory of set-valued mapping and the definition of essential solutions for optimal control problems. Keywords: optimal control; stability; semilinear evolution equation;C0-semigroup; set-valued mapping

1 Introduction

The stability analysis of systems governed by differential equations in modern mathemat-ics is very important for practical applications (see [, ]), especially in numerical compu-tation (see [, ]).

In recent years, there has been growing interest in stability analysis of optimal control problems for the ODE system or PDE system (see [, ]). But most of the results are based on the existence and uniqueness of an optimal control for problems, there are only a small number of articles discussing a stability analysis for optimal control problems without the uniqueness in view of set-valued analysis. In recent years, Yuet al.discussed the stabil-ity of optimal controls with respect to the right-hand side function based on set-valued mapping (see []). But all results are established under the control admissible setU[,T] assumed as the compact set ofC([,T];Rm) in the optimal control problem for an ODE

system. Moreover, we have done some work concerning the control admissible setU[,T] assumed as the compact set ofL(,T;Rm) in order to include many cases of practical sit-uations (see []). Therefore, it is natural for us to ask whether these results are still valid for infinite dimensional controlled systems.

This paper studies the existence and stability properties of solutions of optimal control problems governed by a semilinear evolution equation, and it is stated as follows.

Problem(P): GivenT> ,yˆ(·)∈L(,T;X),y

∈X, andyTX, find an optimal control ¯

uU[,T] such that

J(u¯)≤J(u) for alluU[,T], ()


J(u) =y(T) –yTX+


y(t) –yˆ(t)Xdt ()


subject to


y(t) =Ay(t) +f(t,y(t),u(t)), t∈[,T], y() =y,


whereAis infinitesimal generator ofC-semigroup on a Banach spaceX, the set of

ad-missible controls in the spaceL(,T;E) is defined by

U[,T] =u|u(t) is measurable w.r.t.t,u(t)∈UE, ()

whereEis another separable reflexive Banach space from which the controlsutake values. The paper is organized as follows. In Section , we give some properties ofC-semigroup

and some results as regards compact sets. In Section , the existence of an optimal control is obtained. In Section , for the reader’s convenience, the set-valued mapping theory is recalled, then we show stability results for the optimal control problem in the sense of the Baire category. In the last section, some examples demonstrate the applicability of our results.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout the paper, constants ≤p< +∞andT>  are given. LetXbe a Banach space andeAttheC

-semigroup generated by a linear operatorA. In this section, we recall some

related results about semigroups and compact sets from [, ] and [] which will be used in this paper.

Proposition .([]) There exist constantsω≥and M≥such that

eAtMeωt for≤t< +∞.

DenoteLp(,T;X) the space of measurable functions from [,T] intoXequipped with

the norm




p ,

andC([,T];X) the space of continuous functions from [,T] intoXequipped with the norm

yC([,T];X)= sup



Lemma . ([]) A set V is called totally bounded if for every > ,there exist some

δ> ,a metric space W,and a mapping:VW such that(V)is totally bounded, and d(x,y) <if d((x),(y)) <δwhenever x,yV.

Denote (τhu)(t) =u(t+h) forh> , the compactness ofLp(,T;X) is recalled as follows.


() The set{ t

tu(t)dt|uS}is relatively compact inX,for any <t<t<T.

() The limitτhuuLp(,Th;X)→ash→,uniformly foruS.

Now we consider the compactness of the admissible set ().

Proposition . Suppose that UE is compact andτhuuL(,Th;E)→as h→

uniformly for uU[,T].ThenU[,T]is compact in L(,T;E).

Proof It follows from the compactness ofUEthat there exists a constantM>  such that

Banach theorem, there exists a bounded linear functionalPE∗such that

P= , P(u) =uE.

By the continuity and linearity ofP, we have


If{un} ⊆U[,T] andunuinL(,T;E), namely,


un(t) –u(t)Edt→,

thenu(t)E is measurable in [,T] and there exists a subsequence of{un}, denoted by

{unk}, such that

unk(t) –u(t)E→ a.e.t∈[,T] ask→+∞,

i.e.,unk(t) –u(t)E→ for alltA, whereAis some subset of [,T] andμ([,T]\A) = . SinceUis compact, for any fixedtAandunk(t)∈U, there existsu(t)∈Usuch that

unk(t)→u(t) inEask→+∞.

Without loss of generality, we define


u(t) = ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

u(t), tA,

u(t), t∈[,T]\A,


wheretcan be chosen by any point ofA, thenu(t) =uˆ(t) a.e.t∈[,T]. It is clear that


u(t)∈Ufor allt∈[,T].uanduˆ are equivalent inL(,T;E). Namely,

unk→ ˆu inL

(,T;E) ask+,

thenU[,T] is closed. From the above, we complete this proposition. We give an example of the compact set inL(,T;E) in the following.

Example . LetuU[,T]⊂L(,T;W,p()). For any fixedx,u(t,x) is a

piece-wise continuous with respect totcontaining only a finite number of discontinuous points. S(x) ={u(t,x)|t∈[,T]},S(x) is a bounded closed set inW,p(), whereis a bounded

open subset ofRnandisC. ThenU[,T] is compact inL(,T;Lp()).

Proof From the compact embedding theorem of [], that is,W,p() is compactly

em-bedded inLp(), writtenW,p()⊂⊂Lp(), sinceS(x) is a bounded closed set inW,p(),

thenS(x) is compact inLp().

Suppose thatD={t, . . . ,tN} ⊂[,T] andt=  <t<t<· · ·<tN<T=tN+. We define


u(t,x) = ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

u(t,x), t∈[,T]\{t, . . . ,tN},x,

u(ti– ,x), t=ti,i= , , , . . . ,N,x.

Without loss of generality, we may assumeh> , then


= Th



3 Existence of optimal control

In order to study the optimal control problem (P), we assume that:


Definition . For givenuU[,T], a functiony: [,T]→Xis called a mild solution of () ifyC([,T];X) satisfies

y(t) =eAty



eA(ts)fs,y(s),u(s)ds, t[,T].

This solution is denoted byy(·,u(·)).

From Proposition . of [], we have the following theorem.

Theorem . Suppose assumptions(Hf), (HA),and(Hu)hold.Then,for any uU[,T],

the Cauchy problem()has a unique mild solution yC([,T];X).

Moreover, we also have the following result.

Theorem . Suppose assumptions(Hf), (HA),and(Hu)hold.yC([,T];X)is the mild

solution of system(), then the map u(·)→y(·,u(·))is continuous from L(,T;E)into


Proof Supposeyk(t) andy(t) are mild solutions of the system () with respect toukandu,

respectively. Then

yk(t) =eAty+





y(t) =eAty+




uku inL(,T;E) ask→+∞,

by the Chebyshev inequality of Theorem .. in [], we have

uk(t) –u(t)E→ for almost allt∈[,T] ask→+∞,

and the functionf is continuous w.r.t.u, it follows from Corollary .. of [] that

f(t,y,uk) –f(t,y,u)X→ for almost allt∈[,T] ask→+∞,

and combining the Riesz Theorem ..(i) and Theorem .. of [], then for any subse-quence{uk}we can extract a further subsequence{uk}such that

uk(t) –u(t)E→ a.e.t∈[,T],




Also from Proposition ., there exist constantsω≥ andM≥ such that

eAtMeωt for tT. ()

Due to assumption (Hf) and the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, it follows that




MeωTfs,y(s),u k(s)

fs,y(s),u(s)Xds= . ()

Since the subsequence of{uk}is arbitrary, we can conclude that





fs,y(s),u(s)Xds= , ()

namely, for any> , there existsN>  such that



fs,y(s),u(s)Xds ()

holds wheneverkN. So

yk(t) –y(t)X =







+ T



MeωT t

L(t)yk(t) –y(t)Xds+, ()

and using the Gronwall inequality, we obtain

yk(t) –y(t)XeMe ωT t

L(s)dseMTeωTTL(s)ds,t[,T]. ()

That is,y(·,uk)→y(·,u)∈C([,T];X).

From Proposition ., we have the following lemma.

Lemma . If assumption(Hu)holds,U[,T]is compact in L(,T;E).

Now, we discuss the existence of an optimal control for problem (P).

Theorem . Suppose assumptions(Hu), (HA),and(Hf)hold,then problem(P)admits at

least one optimal control.

Proof Assume that there exists a minimizing sequence of{uk} ⊆U[,T] such that



SinceU[,T] is compact, there exists a subsequence{uk}of{uk}andu¯∈U[,T] such


uk→ ¯u inL(,T;E) ask→+∞. ()

From Theorem . we have

yuk(·)→yu¯(·) inC

[,T];Xask→+∞, ()

whereyuk(·,·) andyu¯(·,·) are solutions of () with respect toukandu¯, respectively. Hence

yuk(T)→yu¯(T) inXask→+∞


yuk(T) –yTXyu¯(T) –yTX inRask→+∞,


yuk(T) –yTXyu¯(T) –yTX inRask→+∞.

Thanks to (), there exists a subsequence of{uk}, denoted by{uk}, such that

uk(t) –u¯(t)E→ for almost allt∈[,T]. ()

It follows from () and () that

yuk(t) –yˆ(t)Xy¯u(t) –yˆ(t)X a.e.t∈[,T].

Sinceuk(t)∈U(compact set inE) andyk(·)∈C([,T];X), the image of the compact set

underyis compact (see Theorem .- of []). For allk, there exists a positive constant M, such that

yuk(t) –yˆ(t)XM. ()

From the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem (see Theorem .. of []), we have


k→+∞ T

yuk(t) –yˆ(t) 



y¯u(t) –ˆy(t)

Xdt. ()

From all the above, we have

J(u¯) =yu¯(T) –yT



yu¯(t) –yˆ(t)


= lim

k→+∞yuk(T) –yT



yuk(t) –ˆy(t)


= lim


) = inf



4 Stability analysis of optimal control problems

In this section, we will use the set-valued mapping theory to study the stability of the optimal control. At first, we recall some definitions and a lemma on set-valued mappings for convenience of the reader (see [, , ]). LetWandZbe metric spaces.

Definition . A set-valued mapping F:W →Z is called upper (respectively, lower)

semicontinuous atxWif and only if for each open setGinZwithGF(x) (respectively, GF(x)=∅), there existsδ>  such thatGF(x) (respectively,GF(x)=∅) for any xWwithρ(x,x) <δ. It is said to be upper (respectively, lower) semicontinuous inW if and only if it is upper (respectively, lower) semicontinuous at any point ofW.

A set-valued mappingF:W→Zis continuous atxif it is both upper semicontinuous

and lower semicontinuous atx, and that it is continuous if and only if it is continuous at every point ofW.

Definition . A set-valued mappingF:W→Z is called compact upper

semicontinu-ous (called USCO) ifF(x) is nonempty compact, for eachxW, andFis upper semicon-tinuous.

Definition . A set-valued mappingF:W→Zis called closed ifGraph(F) is closed,

whereGraph(F) ={(x,z)∈W×Z|zF(x)}is the graph ofF.

Lemma . If the set-valued mapping F:W→Zis closed and Z is compact,then F is an

USCO mapping.

Definition . A subsetQWis called a residual set if it contains a countable intersec-tion of open dense subsets ofW.

IfWis a complete metric space, any residual subset ofWmust be dense inW.

Lemma . Let W be a complete metric space,and F:W →Z be an USCO mapping,

then there exists a dense residual subset Q of W such that F is lower semicontinuous at each xQ.

Now, we consider the stability of optimal controls. Denote

Y=f |f satisfies conditions of (Hf)


For everyf,f∈Y, we define

ρ(f,f) = sup (t,y,u)∈[,TX×U

f(t,y,u) –f(t,y,u)X.

Then the space (Y,ρ) is a complete metric space []. Let

S(f) =u¯| ¯uis the optimal control of problem (P) associated withfY.

Then the correspondencefS(f) is a set-valued mappingS:Y→U[,T].


Theorem . If assumptions(Hu), (HA),and(Hf)hold,S(f)=∅for each fY.

The following proposition is important in studying the stability of optimal controls.

Proposition . Let{fk}be any sequence of Y such that fkf in Y and{uk}any sequence

ofU[,T]such that uku in L(,T;E),then yfk(·,uk(·))→yf(·,u(·))in C([,T];X)as k→+∞.

Proof By Definition . of a mild solution of Cauchy problem () we have


wheneverkN. The inequality () implies that


holds for anykN, and it follows from the Gronwall inequality that

yk(t) –y(t)XeMe ωT t

L(s)dseMTeωTTL(s)ds,t[,T]. ()

This impliesykyinC([,T];X), which completes the proof of the theorem.

We denote

Jfk(uk) =yk(T) –yT



yk(t) –ˆy(t)Xdt.

One can easily obtain the following proposition from Proposition ..

Proposition . Let{fk}be any sequence of Y such that fkf in Y and{uk}any sequence

ofU[,T]such that uku in L(,T;E).Then Jfk(uk)→Jf(u)as k→+∞.

Theorem . Suppose that(Hu), (HA),and(Hf)hold.Then S:Y→U[,T] is an USCO


Proof By the compactness ofU[,T] and Lemma ., we only need to show that Graph(S) =(f,u)∈Y×U[,T]|uS(f)

is closed. Let{fk} ⊂Y withfkf inY and{¯uk} ⊂S(fk) withu¯k→ ¯uinL(,T;E). Now

we need to show thatu¯∈S(f). Due tou¯kS(fk), we have

Jfk(u¯k)≤Jfk(u) for alluU[,T]. () Proposition . yields

Jfk(u¯k)→Jf(u¯) ()


Jfk(u)→Jf(u) for alluU[,T]. () Combining (), (), and (), we have

Jf(u¯)≤Jf(u) for alluU[,T], ()

namely,u¯∈S(f). The proof is completed.

We introduce the following definition for considering the stability of solutions of an optimal control problem.


optimal control problem (P) associated with f is called essential iff its solutions are all essential.

From [], we can obtain the following theorem.

Theorem . The optimal control problem(P)associated with f is essential if and only if S:Y→U[,T]is lower semicontinuous at fY.

Now we need to consider thatSis lower semicontinuous inY. From Lemma . and Theorem ., we have the following lemma.

Lemma . There exists a dense residual subset QY such that S is lower semicontinuous at each fQ,namely,S is continuous at each fQ.

SinceSis continuous at eachfQandY is a complete metric space,Qis a second category []. Lemma . and Theorem . yield the generic stability in the sense of the Baire category.

Theorem . There exists a dense residual subset Q of Y such that for any fQ,S(f) is stable in the sense of Hausdorff metric and Jf is robust with respect to fQ.So every

optimal control problem associated fY can be closely approximated arbitrarily by an essential optimal control problem.

We need to note that when the solutionS(f) is a singleton, the result also holds. By Theorem . we can also see that anyfY can be closely approximated by an essential optimal control problem.

Remark . In this paper, we only discuss the stability results as regards the optimal con-trol problem with quadratic cost functional. In fact, the results also hold for the optimal control problem with general cost functional such as Bolza problems under some assump-tions.

5 Example

Our main result can be applied to the controlled systems of heat equations and wave equa-tions with theC-semigroup. We will state optimal control problems with parabolic

con-trolled systems and hyperbolic concon-trolled systems, respectively, in the following.

Problem(P): GivenT> ,yˆ(t,x), andyT(x), find an optimal controlu¯ ∈U[,T] such


J(u¯)≤J(u) for alluU[,T], () where

J(u) =

y(T,x) –yT(x)dx+


y(t,x) –yˆ(t,x)dx dt ()

subject to ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩


∂t(t,x) =y(t,x) +f(t,y(t,x),u(t,x)), t∈[,T],x,

y(,x) =y(x), x,

y|= ,


whereRnis a bounded domain with a smooth boundary, letX=L() andA=

C-semigroupeAton the infinite dimensional Banach spaceX. Suppose thaty∈Xand

the set of admissible controls in the spaceL(,T;E) is defined by () whereE=L(). With the assumptions (Hu) and (Hf) holding, the stability results are valid.

Problem(P): GivenT> ,yˆ(t,x), andyT(x), find an optimal controlu¯∈U[,T] such

ThenAis the infinitesimal generator of aC-semigroupeAt on the infinite dimensional

Banach spaceX, the set of admissible controls in the spaceL(,T;E) is defined by ()

where E=L(). With the assumptions (H

u) and (Hf) holding, the stability results are

also valid.

The following example is provided to show that not all optimal control problems are essential.

subject to the distributed parameter system

generate aC-semigroupeAt. The mild solution can be given by

v(t,x) =eAtv+




Similarly to Example .,U[, ] is compact. In order to simplify the calculation, letv= .

() Letf(t,v(t,x),u(t,x)) =u(t,x)∈U[, ], we see that theAgenerate aC-semigroup


Authors’ contributions

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11261011).

Received: 15 October 2014 Accepted: 16 March 2015


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