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Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations


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Structural Ambiguity and Lexical


D o n a l d H i n d l e * AT&T Bell Laboratories

M a t s R o o t h t

AT&T Bell Laboratories

We propose that many ambiguous prepositional phrase attachments can be resolved on the basis of the relative strength of association of the preposition with verbal and nominal heads, estimated on the basis of distribution in an automatically parsed corpus. This suggests that a distributional approach can provide an approximate solution to parsing problems that, in the worst case, call for complex reasoning.

1. Introduction

Prepositional phrase attachment is the canonical case of structural ambiguity, as in the timeworn example:

Example 1

I saw the m a n with the telescope.

An analysis where the prepositional phrase [pp with the telescope] is part of the object n o u n phrase has the semantics "the m a n w h o had the telescope"; an analysis where the PP has a higher attachment (perhaps as d a u g h t e r of VP) is associated with a semantics where the seeing is achieved b y means of a telescope. The existence of such ambiguity raises problems for language models. It looks like it might require extremely complex computation to determine w h a t attaches to what. Indeed, one recent proposal suggests that resolving attachment ambiguity requires the construction of a discourse model in which the entities referred to in a text are represented and reasoned about (Altmann a n d Steedman 1988). We take this a r g u m e n t to s h o w that reasoning essentially involv- ing reference in a discourse model is implicated in resolving attachment ambiguities in a certain class of cases. If this p h e n o m e n o n is typical, there is little hope in the near term for building computational models capable of resolving such ambiguities in unrestricted text.

1.1 Structure-Based Ambiguity Resolution

There have been several structure-based proposals about ambiguity resolution in the literature; they are particularly attractive because they are simple and d o n ' t d e m a n d calculations in the semantic or discourse domains. The two main ones are as follows.

• Right Association--a constituent tends to attach to another constituent immediately to its right (Kimball 1973).

* AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA.


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

• Minimal Attachment--a constituent tends to attach to an existing nonterminal using the fewest additional syntactic nodes (Frazier 1978).

For the particular case we are concerned with, attachment of a prepositional phrase in a verb + object context as in Example 1, these two principles--at least given the version of syntax that Frazier assumes--make opposite predictions: Right Association predicts noun attachment, while Minimal Attachment predicts verb attachment.

Psycholinguistic work on structure-based strategies is primarily concerned with modeling the time course of parsing and disambiguation, and acknowledges that other information enters into determining a final parse. Still, one can ask what information is relevant to determining a final parse, and it seems that in this domain structure- based disambiguation is not a very good predictor. A recent study of attachment of prepositional phrases in a sample of written responses to a "Wizard of Oz" travel information experiment shows that neither Right Association nor Minimal Attachment accounts for more than 55% of the cases (Whittemore, Ferrara, and Brunner 1990). And experiments by Taraban and McClelland (1988) show that the structural models are not in fact good predictors of people's behavior in resolving ambiguity.

1.2 Resolving Ambiguity through Lexical Associations

Whittemore, Ferrara, and Brunner (1990) found lexical preferences to be the key to resolving attachment ambiguity. Similarly, Taraban and McClelland found that lexical content was key in explaining people's behavior. Various previous proposals for guid- ing attachment disambiguation by the lexical content of specific words have appeared (e.g. Ford, Bresnan, and Kaplan 1982; Marcus 1980). Unfortunately, it is not clear where the necessary information about lexical preferences is to be found. Jenson and Binot (1987) describe the use of dictionary definitions for disambiguation, but dictionaries are typically rather uneven in their coverage. In the Whittemore, Ferrara, and Brunner study (1990), the judgment of attachment preferences had to be made by hand for the cases that their study covered; no precompiled list of lexical preferences was avail- able. Thus, we are posed with the problem of how we can get a good list of lexical preferences.

Our proposal is to use co-occurrence of verbs and nouns with prepositions in a large body of text as an indicator of lexical preference. Thus, for example, the prepo- sition to occurs frequently in the context send NP_, that is, after the object of the verb send. This is evidence of a lexical association of the verb send with to. Similarly, from occurs frequently in the context withdrawal_, and this is evidence of a lexical asso- ciation of the noun withdrawal with the preposition from. This kind of association is a symmetric notion: it provides no indication of whether the preposition is selecting the verbal or nominal head, or vice versa. We will treat the association as a property of the pair of words. It is a separate issue, which we will not be concerned with in the initial part of this paper, to assign the association to a particular linguistic licens- ing relation. The suggestion that we want to explore is that the association revealed by textual distribution--whether its source is a complementation relation, a modifica- tion relation, or something else--gives us information needed to resolve prepositional attachment in the majority of cases.

2. Discovering Lexical Association in Text


Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

Table 1

A sample of NP heads, preceding verbs, and following prepositions derived from the parsed corpus.

Verb Noun Prep Syntax

a. change in -V

b. regulation

c. aim PRO-+ at

d. remedy shortage of

e. good in


g. assuage citizen

h. scarcity of

i. item as

j. wiper



part-of-speech analyzer as a preprocessor (Church 1988), a combination that we will call simply "the parser." The parser produces a single partial syntactic description of a sentence. Consider Example 2, and its parsed representation in Example 3. The information in the tree representation is partial in the sense that some attachment information is missing: the nodes dominated by "?" have not been integrated into the syntactic representation. Note in particular that many PPs have not been attached. This is a symptom of the fact that the parser does not (in many cases) have the kind of lexical information that we have just claimed is required in resolving PP attachment. Example 2


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

Example 3




,v_ 7





The evidently are aimed pro+


I 1 I I

radical changes in NBAR I



I I ] r e g u l a t i o n s N CONJ NPL

I I I export and customs

? ? ?





at VP in I I and VP




remedying I I assuaging NBAR


an Soviet Union ]

ADJ N PR,EP NP citizens

I I I i

extreme shortage of NBAR



consumer goods

? ? ? ?









angry I




°ver I I as NBAR


I I _A_ I I

the N I ] N NPL

] P R E P N P I I

scarcity [ [ ] I wipers



[ [ soap and windshield ADJ N NPL


D o n a l d H i n d l e a n d M a t s R o o t h S t r u c t u r a l A m b i g u i t y a n d Lexical R e l a t i o n s

category [fRo +]. The last column in the table, labeled Syntax, marks with the symbol -V all cases where there is no preceding verb that might license the preposition: the initial subject of Example 2 is such a case.

In the 13 million-word sample, 2,661,872 noun phrases were identified. Of these, 467,920 were recognized as the object of a verb, and 753,843 were followed by a preposition. Of the object noun phrases identified, 223,666 were ambiguous verb- noun-preposition triples.

3. Estimating Associations

The table of verbs, nouns, and prepositions is in several respects an imperfect source of information about lexical associations. First, the parser gives us incorrect analyses in some cases. For instance, in the analysis partially described in Example 4a, the parser incorrectly classified


as a verb, resulting in a table entry

probe lightning


Similarly, in Example 4b, the infinitival marker


has been misidentified as a


Example 4

a. [NpThe space] [w~s probes] [Npdetected lightning] [pp in Jupiter's upper

atmosphere] and observed auroral emissions like Earth's northern lights in the Jovian polar regions.

b. The Bush administration told Congress on Tuesday it wants to [v preserve] [Npthe right] [~ [~ to] control entry] to the United States of anyone who was ever a Communist.

Second, a preposition in an entry might be structurally related to neither the noun of the entry nor the verb (if there is one), even if the entry is derived from a correct parse.' For instance, the phrase headed by the preposition might have a higher locus of attachment:

Example 5

a. The Supreme Court today agreed to consider reinstating the murder conviction of a N e w York City man who confessed to [v,NG killing] [Nrhis former girlfriend] [p after] police illegally arrested him at his home.

b. NBC was so afraid of hostile advocacy groups and unnerving advertisers that it shot its dramatization of the landmark court case that

[VPAST legalized] [Nrabortion] [Pr under two phony script titles]

The temporal phrase headed by




but given the procedure de-

scribed above, Example 5a results in a tuple

kill girlfriend after.

In the second example,

a tuple

legalize abortion under

is extracted, although the PP headed by



the higher verb


Finally, entries of the form

verb noun preposition

do not tell us whether to induce

a lexical association between




or between





will view the first two problems as noise that we do not have the means to eliminate,


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

a n d partially address the third p r o b l e m in a p r o c e d u r e w e will n o w describe. We w a n t to use the v e r b - n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n table to derive a table of bigrams counts, w h e r e a b i g r a m is a pair consisting of a n o u n or verb a n d an associated p r e p o s i t i o n (or no preposition). To do this w e n e e d to try to assign each preposition that occurs either to the n o u n or to the verb that it occurs with. In some cases it is fairly certain w h e t h e r the preposition attaches to the n o u n or the verb; in other cases, this is far less certain. O u r a p p r o a c h is to assign the clear cases first, then to use these to decide the unclear cases that can be decided, and finally to divide the data in the remaining u n r e s o l v e d cases b e t w e e n the two h y p o t h e s e s (verb a n d n o u n attachment). The p r o c e d u r e for assigning prepositions is as follows:








N o P r e p o s i t i o n - - i f there is no preposition, the n o u n or verb is simply entered with a special s y m b o l


conceived of as the null

preposition. (Items b, f, g, a n d j-1 in Table 1 are assigned).

Sure Verb Attach 1 - - t h e preposition is attached to the verb if the n o u n p h r a s e h e a d is a p r o n o u n .

Sure Verb Attach 2---the preposition is attached to the verb if the verb is passivized, unless the preposition is


The instances of


following a passive verb w e r e left unassigned. (Item c in Table 1 is assigned). Sure N o u n A t t a c h - - t h e preposition is attached to the n o u n , if the n o u n p h r a s e occurs in a context w h e r e no v e r b c o u l d license the prepositional phrase, specifically if the n o u n p h r a s e is in a subject or other pre-verbal position. The required syntactic i n f o r m a t i o n is present in the last c o l u m n of the table d e r i v e d from the parse. (Item a in Table 1 is assigned.) A m b i g u o u s Attach 1 - - U s i n g the table of a t t a c h m e n t s c o m p u t e d so far, if the LA-score for the a m b i g u i t y (a score that c o m p a r e s the probability of n o u n versus verb attachment, as described below) is greater t h a n 2.0 or less than - 2 . 0 , then assign the preposition according to the LA-score. Iterate until this step p r o d u c e s no n e w attachments. (Item d in Table 1 m a y be assigned.)

A m b i g u o u s Attach 2 - - f o r the remaining a m b i g u o u s triples, split the d a t u m b e t w e e n the n o u n a n d the verb, assigning a c o u n t of .5 to the n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n pair and .5 to the v e r b - p r e p o s i t i o n pair. (Item d in Table 1 is assigned, if not assigned in the p r e v i o u s step.)

U n s u r e A t t a c h - - a s s i g n remaining pairs to the n o u n . (Items e, h, a n d i in Table 1 are assigned.)


Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

3.1 The Procedure for Guessing Attachment

O u r object is to d e v e l o p a p r o c e d u r e to guess w h e t h e r a preposition is attached to the verb or its object w h e n a verb and its object are followed b y a preposition. We a s s u m e that in each case of a t t a c h m e n t ambiguity, there is a forced choice b e t w e e n t w o outcomes: the preposition attaches either to the verb or to the noun. 2 For example, in Example 6, w e w a n t to choose b e t w e e n two possibilities: either


is attached to the verb


or it is attached to the n o u n


Example 6

M o s c o w sent m o r e than 100,000 soldiers into Afghanistan ... In particular, w e w a n t to choose b e t w e e n two structures: Example 7

a. v e r b _ a t t a c h structure:



soldier NULL]


into ..] ..]

b. noun_attach structure:



soldier [Fpinto

..]] .. ]

For the v e r b _ a t t a c h case, w e require not only that the preposition attach to the verb


b u t also that the n o u n


h a v e no following prepositional phrase attached: since


directly follows the head of the object n o u n phrase, there is no r o o m for a n y post-modifier of the n o u n


We use the notation


to e m p h a s i z e that in o r d e r for a preposition licensed b y the verb to be in the i m m e d i a t e l y p o s t n o m i n a l position, the n o u n m u s t have no following c o m p l e m e n t s (or adjuncts). For the case of n o u n attachment, the verb m a y or m a y not have additional prepositional c o m p l e m e n t s following the prepositional phrase associated with the noun.

Since w e h a v e a forced choice b e t w e e n two outcomes, it is a p p r o p r i a t e to use a likelihood ratio to c o m p a r e the a t t a c h m e n t probabilities (cf. Mosteller a n d Wallace 1964). 3 In particular, w e look at the log of the ratio of the probability of v e r b _ a t t a c h to the probability of noun_attach. We will call this log likelihood ratio the


(lexical association) score.

P(verb~ttach p [ v, n)

LA(v, n,p)

= log 2

P(noun_attach p [ v, n)

For the current example,

P(verb_attach into [ sendv, soldierN) ,~ P( into[sendv ) • P(NULL[soldierN)


P(noun_attach into [ sendv, soldierN) ~, P(into[soldierN).

Again, the probability of n o u n a t t a c h m e n t does not involve a term indicating that the verb sponsors no (additional) c o m p l e m e n t ; w h e n w e observe a prepositional phrase that is in fact attached to the object NP, the verb m i g h t or m i g h t not have a c o m p l e m e n t or adjunct following the object phrase.

2 T h u s w e are i g n o r i n g t h e fact that the p r e p o s i t i o n m a y in fact be licensed b y neither the verb n o r the n o u n , as in E x a m p l e 5.


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

We can estimate these probabilities f r o m the table of co-occurrence counts a s : 4


P (NULL Jsoldier N )

P( into[soldierN ) ,-~

f(sendv, into)


- - .049



f(soldierN, NULL)



1478 - - - .800

f(soldierN, into)


- - - - .0007

f (soldierN)


Thus, the LA score for this e x a m p l e is:

LA ( sendv , soldierN , into)

= log 2 .049 *.800

.0007 5.81

The LA score h a s several useful properties. T h e sign indicates w h i c h possibility, v e r b a t t a c h m e n t or n o u n a t t a c h m e n t , is m o r e likely; an LA score of zero m e a n s t h e y are equally likely. T h e m a g n i t u d e of the score indicates h o w m u c h m o r e p r o b a b l e o n e o u t c o m e is t h a n the other. For e x a m p l e , if the L A score is 2.0, t h e n the p r o b a b i l i t y of v e r b a t t a c h m e n t is f o u r times g r e a t e r t h a n n o u n a t t a c h m e n t . D e p e n d i n g on the task, w e can require a certain threshold of LA score m a g n i t u d e before m a k i n g a d e c i s i o n )

As usual, in dealing w i t h c o u n t s f r o m c o r p o r a w e m u s t confront the p r o b l e m of h o w to e s t i m a t e probabilities w h e n c o u n t s are small. T h e m a x i m u m likelihood e s t i m a t e described a b o v e is not v e r y g o o d w h e n frequencies are small, a n d w h e n frequencies are zero, the f o r m u l a will not w o r k at all. We u s e a c r u d e a d j u s t m e n t to o b s e r v e d frequencies that has the right g e n e r a l properties, t h o u g h it is n o t likely to be a v e r y g o o d e s t i m a t e w h e n frequencies are small. For o u r p u r p o s e s , h o w e v e r e x p l o r i n g in general the relation of distribution in a c o r p u s to a t t a c h m e n t d i s a m b i g u a t i o n - - w e believe it is sufficient. O t h e r a p p r o a c h e s to adjusting small frequencies are discussed in C h u r c h et al. (1991) a n d Gale, Church, Y a r o w s k y (in press).

The idea is to use the typical association rates of n o u n s a n d v e r b s to i n t e r p o l a t e o u r probabilities. W h e r e

f(N, p)

= E n

f(n, p), f(V, p) = ~ v f ( V , p), f(N) -- End(n)

a n d

4 The nonintegral count for send is a consequence of the data-splitting step A m b i g u o u s Attach 2, a n d the definition of u n i g r a m frequencies as a s u m of b i g r a m frequencies.

5 A n advantage of the likelihood ratio approach is that w e can use it in a Bayesian discrimination

f r a m e w o r k to take into account other factors that might influence our decision about attachment (see Gale, Church, and Yarowsky [in press] for a discussion of this approach). We k n o w of course that other information has a bearing on the attachment decision. For example, w e have observed that if the n o u n phrase object includes a superlative adjective as a premodifier, then n o u n attachment is certain (for a small sample of 16 cases). We could easily take this into account by setting the prior o d d s ratio to heavily favor n o u n attachment: let's s u p p o s e that if there is a superlative in the object n o u n phrase, then n o u n attachment is say 1000 times more probable than verb attachment; otherwise, they are equally probable. Then following Mosteller and Wallace (1964), w e a s s u m e that

Final attachment odds = log 2(initial odds) + LA.

In case there is no superlative in the object, the initial log o d d s will be zero (verb and n o u n attachment are equally probable), a n d the final o d d s will equal o u r LA score. If there is a superlative,



Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

f(V) = ~vf(V),

we redefine o u r probability estimates in the following way:

f(n,p) +

f(N,p) f(N)

P(p [ n) =

f(n) + 1

f(v, p) + [(V,p)


P(P l

v) =

f(v) + 1

W h e n


is zero, the estimate for

P(p I n)

is the average ( ~ ) f(N) across all nouns, and similarly for verbs. W h e n

f(n, p)

is zero, the estimate used is p r o p o r t i o n a l to this average. If we have seen only one case of a n o u n a n d it occurred with a preposition p (that is


p) = 1 and


= 1 ), then o u r estimate is nearly cut in half. This is the kind of effect w e want, since u n d e r these circumstances w e are not v e r y confident in 1 as an estimate of

P(p I n).

W h e n

f(n, p)

is large, the a d j u s t m e n t factor does not m a k e m u c h difference. In general; this interpolation p r o c e d u r e adjusts small counts in the right direction and has little effect w h e n counts are large.

For o u r current example, this estimation p r o c e d u r e changes the LA score little:

\ f ( V , i n t o ) f(soldierN,NULL)+~LL)

f (sendv,mto) + f~fl-ffy-

LA(sendv, soldier~, into)

= log 2



. . f ( N i n t o )

f(s°l&erN~mt°)+" f (soldier N ) + 1

86a. 2292 1182q 2047311

385435 26~594

l ~510~21742.5+124341478+1

1-} 2656594


= 5.87.

The LA score of 5.87 for this example is positive and therefore indicates verb attach- ment; the m a g n i t u d e is large e n o u g h to suggest a strong preference for verb attach- ment. This m e t h o d of calculating the LA score was used both to decide u n s u r e cases in building the b i g r a m tables as described in A m b i g u o u s Attach 1, and to m a k e the a t t a c h m e n t decisions in novel a m b i g u o u s cases, as discussed in the sections following. 4. Testing Attachment

To evaluate the p e r f o r m a n c e of the procedure, 1000 test sentences in w h i c h the parser identified an a m b i g u o u s v e r b - n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n triple were r a n d o m l y selected from AP news stories. These sentences were selected from stories included in the 13 m i l l i o n - w o r d sample, b u t the particular sentences were excluded from the calculation of lexical associations. The two a u t h o r s first guessed attachments on the v e r b - n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n triples, m a k i n g a j u d g m e n t on the basis of the three h e a d w o r d s alone. The judges were required to m a k e a choice in each instance. This task is in essence the one that w e will give the c o m p u t e r - - t o judge the a t t a c h m e n t w i t h o u t a n y m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n than the preposition and the heads of the two possible a t t a c h m e n t sites.


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

this time using the full-sentence context, first grading the test sentences separately, and then discussing examples on which there was disagreement. Disambiguating the test sample turned out to be a surprisingly difficult task. While many decisions were straightforward, more than 10% of the sentences seemed problematic to at least one author. There are several kinds of constructions where the attachment decision is not clear theoretically. These include idioms as in Examples 8 and 9, light verb construc- tions (Example 10), and small clauses (Example 11).

Example 8

But over time, misery has given way to mending.

Example 9

The meeting will take place in Quantico.

Example 10

Bush has said he would not make cuts in Social Security.

Example 11

Sides said Francke kept a .38-caliber revolver in his car's glove compartment.

In the case of idioms, we made the assignment on the basis of a guess about the syntactic structure of the idiom, though this was sometimes difficult to judge. We chose always to assign light verb constructions to noun attachment, based on the fact that the noun supplies the lexical information about what prepositions are possible, and small clauses to verb attachment, based on the fact that this is a predicative construction lexically licensed by the verb.

Another difficulty arose with cases where there seemed to be a systematic se- mantically based indeterminacy about the attachment. In the situation described by Example 12a, the bar and the described event or events are presumably in the same location, and so there is no semantic reason to decide on one attachment. Example 12b shows a systematic benefactive indeterminacy: if y o u arrange something for someone, then the thing arranged is also for them. The problem in Example 12c is that signing an agreement usually involves two participants who are also parties to the agreement. Example 13 gives some further examples d r a w n from another test sample.

Example 12

a . . . . known to frequent the same bars in one neighborhood.

b. Inaugural officials reportedly were trying to arrange a reunion for Bush and his old submarine buddies ...

c. We have not signed a settlement agreement with them.

Example 13

a. It said the rebels issued a challenge to soldiers in the area and fought with them for 30 minutes.


Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

d. Buckner said Control Data is in the process of


a new lending

agreement with

its banks.

e . . . . which would require ailing banks and S&Ls to



permission from

regulators before raising high-cost deposits through money brokers.

f. She said the organization has


a cleaning

center in

Seward and she was going to Kodiak to open another.

In general, we can say that an attachment is semantically indeterminate if situations that verify the meaning associated with one attachment also make the meaning as- sociated with the other attachment true. Even a substantial overlap (as opposed to identity) between the classes of situations verifying the two meanings makes an at- tachment choice difficult.

The problems in determining attachments are heterogeneous. The idiom, light verb, and small clause constructions represent cases where the simple distinction be- tween noun attachment and verb attachment perhaps does not make sense, or is very theory-dependent. It seems to us that the phenomenon of semantically based inde- terminacy deserves further exploration. If it is often difficult to decide what licenses a prepositional phrase, we need to develop language models that appropriately cap- ture this. For our present purpose, we decided to make an attachment choice in all cases, in some cases relying on controversial theoretical considerations, or relatively unanalyzed intuitions.

In addition to the problematic cases, 120 of the 1000 triples identified automati- cally as instances of the verb-object-preposition configuration turned out in fact to be other constructions, often as the result of parsing errors. Examples of this kind were given above, in the context of our description of the construction of the verb-noun- preposition table. Some further misidentifications that showed up in the test sample are: identifying the subject of the complement clause of


as its object, as in Exam- ple 10, which was identified as

(say ministers from),

and misparsing two constituents as a single-object noun phrase, as in Example 11, which was identified as

(make subject to).

Example 14

a. Ortega also


deputy foreign

ministers from

the five governments would meet Tuesday in Managua, ...

b. Congress made a deliberate choice to

make this commission subject to

the open meeting requirements ...

After agreeing on the 'correct' attachment for the test sample, we were left with 880 dis- ambiguated verb-noun-preposition triples, having discarded the examples that were not instances of the relevant construction. Of these, 586 are noun attachments and 294 are verb attachments.

4.1 Evaluating Performance


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

Table 2

Performance on the test sentences for two human judges and the lexical association procedure (LA).

LA actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 496 89 N .848 .846

V guess 90 205 V .695 .697

neither 0 0 combined .797 .797

Judge 1 actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 527 48 N .917 .899

V guess 59 246 V .807 .837

neither 0 0 combined .878 .878

Judge 2 actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 482 29 N .943 .823

V guess 104 265 V .718 .901

neither 0 0 combined .849 .849

N o w consider the p e r f o r m a n c e of o u r lexical association (LA) p r o c e d u r e for the 880 s t a n d a r d test sentences. Table 2 s h o w s the p e r f o r m a n c e for the t w o h u m a n judges a n d for the lexical association a t t a c h m e n t procedure. First, w e note that ~he task of j u d g i n g a t t a c h m e n t o n the basis of verb, n o u n , a n d preposition alone is not easy. The figures in the e n t r y labeled " c o m b i n e d precision" indicate that the h u m a n judges h a d overall error rates of 12-15%. 6 The lexical association p r o c e d u r e is s o m e w h a t w o r s e than the h u m a n judges, with an error rate of 20%, b u t this is an i m p r o v e m e n t over the structural strategies.

The table also gives results b r o k e n d o w n according to N vs. V attachment. The


figures indicate the p r o p o r t i o n of test items assigned to a given c a t e g o r y that actually b e l o n g to the category. For instance, N precision is the fraction of cases that the p r o c e d u r e identified as N attachments that actually were N attachments. The


figures indicate the p r o p o r t i o n of test items actually b e l o n g i n g to a given c a t e g o r y that were assigned to that category: N precision is the fraction of actual N attachments that were identified as N attachments. The LA p r o c e d u r e r e c o g n i z e d a b o u t 85% of the 586 actual n o u n a t t a c h m e n t examples as n o u n attachments, a n d a b o u t 70% of the actual verb attachments as verb attachments.

If w e restrict the lexical association p r o c e d u r e to choose a t t a c h m e n t only in cases w h e r e the absolute value of the L A score is greater than 2.0 (an arbitrary threshold indicating that the probability of one a t t a c h m e n t is four times greater than the other), w e get a t t a c h m e n t j u d g m e n t s on 621 of the 880 test sentences, with overall precision of a b o u t 89%. O n these same examples, the judges also s h o w e d i m p r o v e m e n t , as evident in Table 3. 7

6 Combined precision is the proportion of assigned items that were correctly assigned. Combined recall is the proportion of all items that were correctly assigned. These differ if some items are left

unassigned, as in Table 3.


Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

Table 3

Performance for the LA procedure with a cutoff of 2 (] LA I> 2.0), and for the human judges on the sentences classified by LA.

LA actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 416 31 N .931 .710

V guess 39 135 V .776 .459

neither 131 128 combined .887 .626

Judge 1 actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 424 20 N .955 (.724)

V guess 31 146 V .825 (.497)

neither 131 128 combined .918 (.648)

Judge 2 actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 402 12 N .971 (.686)

V guess 53 154 V .744 (.524)


neither 131 128 combined .895 (.632)

Table 4

Precision recall tradeoff for the LA procedure.

LA score cases covered precision recall

16.0 103 (11.7%) 0.990 0.116

8.0 298 (33.9) 0.966 0.327

4.0 478 (54.3) 0.923 0.501

3.0 530 (60.2) 0.917 0.552

2.0 621 (70.6) 0.887 0.626

1.5 666 (75.7) 0.871 0.659

1.0 718 (81.6) 0.852 0.695

0.5 796 (90.5) 0.823 0.744

0.25 840 (95.5) 0.807 0.770

0 880 (100.0) 0.797 0.797

The fact that an LA score threshold i m p r o v e s precision indicates that the LA score gives i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t h o w confident w e can be a b o u t an a t t a c h m e n t choice. In s o m e applications, this i n f o r m a t i o n is useful. For instance, s u p p o s e that w e w a n t e d to i n c o r p o r a t e the PP a t t a c h m e n t p r o c e d u r e in a p a r s e r such as Fidditch. It m i g h t be preferable to a c h i e v e increased precision in PP a t t a c h m e n t , in r e t u r n for l e a v i n g s o m e PPs u n a t t a c h e d . For this p u r p o s e , a threshold could be used. Table 4 s h o w s the c o m b i n e d precision a n d recall levels at v a r i o u s LA thresholds. It is clear that the LA score can be u s e d effectively to trade off precision a n d recall, w i t h a floor for the forced choice at a b o u t 80%.


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

Table 5

Performance of the lexical attachment procedure by underlying relationship.

relation count %correct

argument noun 378 92.1

argument verb 104 84.6

adjunct noun 91 74.7

adjunct verb 101 64.4

light verb 19 57.9

small clause 13 76.9

idiom 19 63.2

locative indeterminacy 42 69.0

systematic indeterminacy 35 62.9

other 78 61.5

4.2 Underlying Relations

Our model takes frequency of co-occurrence as evidence of an underlying relationship but makes no attempt to determine what sort of relationship is involved. It is interest- ing to see what kinds of relationships are responsible for the associations the model is identifying. To investigate this we categorized the 880 triples according to the nature of the relationship underlying the attachment. In many cases, the decision was diffi- cult. The argument/adjunct distinction showed m a n y gray cases between clear partici- pants in an action and clear adjuncts, such as temporal modifiers. We made rough best guesses to partition the cases into the following categories: argument, adjunct, idiom, small clause, systematic locative indeterminacy, other systematic indeterminacy, and light verb. With this set of categories, 78 of the 880 cases remained so problematic that we assigned them to the category other.

Table 5 shows the proportion of items in a given category that were assigned the correct attachment by the lexical association procedure. Even granting the roughness of the categorization, some clear patterns emerge. Our approach is most successful at attaching arguments correctly. Notice that the 378 noun arguments constitute 65% of the total 586 noun attachments, while the 104 verb arguments amount to only 35% of the 294 verb attachments. Furthermore, performance with verb adjuncts is worse than with noun adjuncts. Thus much of the problem with V attachments noted in the previous section appears to be attributable to a problem with adjuncts, particularly verbal ones. Performance on verbal arguments remains worse than performance on nominal ones, however.

The remaining cases are all complex in some way, and the performance is poor on these classes, showing clearly the need for a more elaborated model of the syntactic structure that is being identified.

5. Comparison with a Dictionary


Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

Table 6

Count of noun and verb associations for COBUILD and the AP sample.

Source Total NOUN VERB

COBUILD 4,233 1,942 2,291

AP sample 76,597 56,368 20,229

AP sample (f > 3) 20,005 14,968 5,037

AP sample 7,822 5,286 2,536

(f > 3 and I > 2.0)

COBUILD O AP 2,703 1,415 1,288

COBUILD n AP 1,235 671 564

(f > 3 and I > 2.0)

than other works, a n d it provides, in a separate field, a direct indication of prepositions typically associated with m a n y n o u n s a n d verbs. F r o m a machine-readable version of the dictionary, we extracted a list of 1,942 n o u n s associated with a particular preposi- tion, a n d of 2,291 verbs associated with a particular preposition after an object n o u n phrase. 8

These 4,233 pairs are m a n y fewer than the n u m b e r of associations in the A P sample (see Table 6), even if we ignore the m o s t infrequent pairs. Of the total 76,597 pairs, 20,005 h a v e a frequency greater than 3, a n d 7,822 have a f r e q u e n c y that is greater than 3 a n d m o r e than 4 times w h a t one w o u l d predict on the basis of the u n i g r a m frequencies of the n o u n or verb a n d the preposition. 9

We can use the fixed lexicon of n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n a n d v e r b - p r e p o s i t i o n associ- ations derived from COBUILD to choose a t t a c h m e n t in o u r test set. The COBUILD dictionary has information on 257 of the 880 test v e r b - n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n triples. In 241 of those cases, there is information only on n o u n or only on verb association. In these cases, w e can use the dictionary to choose the a t t a c h m e n t according to the asso- ciation indicated. In the remaining 16 cases, associations b e t w e e n the preposition a n d b o t h the n o u n a n d the verb are r e c o r d e d in the dictionary. For these, w e select n o u n attachment, since it is the m o r e probable o u t c o m e in general. For the r e m a i n i n g cases, w e a s s u m e that the dictionary makes no decision. Table 7 gives the results obtained

8 We included particles in these associations, since these were also included in our corpus of bigrams. 9 The latter condition is spelled out as

f(w,p) > 4f(w) f(p)

N N N ~

where U is ~ w , J ( w , p), the total number of token bigrams. It is equivalent to w and p having a mutual information (defined as


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

Table 7

Performance on the test sentences for a fixed lexicon extracted from the COBUILD dictionary and a fixed lexicon extracted from the AP sample.

COBUILD actual N actual V precision recall

N guess 132 17 n .886 .225

V guess 41 67 v .620 .228

neither 413 210 combined .774 .226

AP Fixed actual N actual V precision recaH

N guess 283 31 n .901 .483

V guess 27 119 v .815 .405

neither 276 144 combined .874 .457

b y this a t t a c h m e n t procedure. The precision figure is similar to that obtained b y the lexical association p r o c e d u r e with a threshold of zero, b u t the recall is far lower: the dictionary p r o v i d e s insufficient i n f o r m a t i o n in m o s t cases.

Like the lexicon d e r i v e d from the COBUILD dictionary, the fixed lexicon of 7,822 c o r p u s - d e r i v e d associations d e r i v e d from o u r b i g r a m table as described a b o v e (that is, all bigrams w h e r e


p) > 3 a n d


p) > 2) contains categorical i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t associations. Using it for disambiguation in the w a y the COBUILD dictionary was used gives the results indicated in Table 7. The precision is similar to that w h i c h was achieved with the LA p r o c e d u r e w i t h a threshold of 2, a l t h o u g h the recall is lower. This suggests that while overall coverage of association pairs is important, the i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t the relative strengths of associations contributing to the LA score is also significant.

It m u s t be n o t e d that the dictionary i n f o r m a t i o n w e d e r i v e d from COBUILD was c o m p o s e d for p e o p l e to use in p r i n t e d form. It seems likely that associations w e r e left out because they did not serve this p u r p o s e in one w a y or another. For instance, listing m a n y infrequent or semantically predictable associations m i g h t be confusing. F u r t h e r m o r e , o u r p r o c e d u r e u n d o u b t e d l y gained a d v a n t a g e from the fact that the test items are d r a w n f r o m the same b o d y of text as the training corpus. Nevertheless, the results of this c o m p a r i s o n suggest that for the p u r p o s e of this paper, a partially p a r s e d c o r p u s is a better source of i n f o r m a t i o n than a dictionary. This conclusion s h o u l d not be overstated, however. Table 6 s h o w e d that m o s t of the associations in each lexicon are not f o u n d in the others. Table 8 is a sample of a v e r b - p r e p o s i t i o n association dictionary obtained b y m e r g i n g i n f o r m a t i o n from the AP sample a n d from COBUILD, illustrating b o t h the c o m m o n g r o u n d a n d the differences b e t w e e n the t w o lexicons. Each source of i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e s intuitively i m p o r t a n t associations that are missing from the other.

6. D i s c u s s i o n


Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations

Table 8

Verb--(NP)-Preposition associations in the COBUILD dictionary and in the AP sample (with f(v~ p) > 3 and I(v~ p) > 2.0).


approach about as at with

appropriate for for

approve because by for under

approximate to

arbitrate between

argue out with

arm w i t h


arraign on

arrange for

array in

arrest for


w i t h

in as in on

for so through with after along_with at during near on outside while arrogate


ask about for

assassinate in

assault at

assemble at

assert over

assign to 36

assist in

associate w i t h

t o



t o

in with

w i t h

corpora) it is a d v a n t a g e o u s to be able to achieve increased precision in exchange for discarding a p r o p o r t i o n of the data.

From a n o t h e r perspective, o u r results are less g o o d than w h a t m i g h t be d e m a n d e d . The p e r f o r m a n c e of the h u m a n judges with access just to the v e r b - n o u n - p r e p o s i t i o n triple is a standard of w h a t is possible based on this information, and the lexical association p r o c e d u r e falls s o m e w h a t short of this standard. The analysis of u n d e r l y i n g relations indicated some particular areas in w h i c h the p r o c e d u r e did not d o well, and w h e r e there is therefore r o o m for i m p r o v e m e n f . In particular, p e r f o r m a n c e on adjuncts was poor. A n u m b e r of classes of adjuncts, such as t e m p o r a l ones, are fairly easy to identify once i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t the object of the preposition is taken into account. Beginning with such an identification step ( w h i c h could be conceived of as a d d i n g a feature such as [+temporal] to individual prepositions, or replacing individual token prepositions with an abstract t e m p o r a l preposition) m i g h t yield a lexical association p r o c e d u r e that w o u l d do better with adjuncts. But it is also possible that a p r o c e d u r e that evaluates associations with individual n o u n s a n d verbs is simply i n a p p r o p r i a t e for adjuncts. This is an area for f u r t h e r investigation.


Computational Linguistics Volume 19, Number 1

We b e g a n this p a p e r b y alluding to several a p p r o a c h e s to PP attachment, specifi- cally w o r k assuming the construction of discourse models, a p p r o a c h e s based on struc- tural a t t a c h m e n t preferences, a n d w o r k indicating a d o m i n a n t role for lexical prefer- ence. O u r results tend to confirm the i m p o r t a n c e of lexical preference. H o w e v e r , w e can d r a w no firm conclusions a b o u t the other approaches. Since o u r m e t h o d yielded incorrect results on r o u g h l y 20% of the cases, its coverage is far f r o m complete. This leaves a lot of w o r k to be done, within b o t h psycholinguistic a n d c o m p u t a t i o n a l ap- proaches. F u r t h e r m o r e , as w e n o t e d above, c o n t e m p o r a r y psycholinguistic w o r k is c o n c e r n e d with m o d e l i n g the time course of parsing. O u r e x p e r i m e n t gives no infor- m a t i o n a b o u t h o w lexical preference i n f o r m a t i o n is exploited at this level of detail, or the i m p o r t a n c e of such i n f o r m a t i o n c o m p a r e d with other factors such as struc- tural .preferences at a given t e m p o r a l stage of the h u m a n parsing process. H o w e v e r , the n u m e r i c a l estimates of lexical association w e have obtained m a y be relevant to a psycholinguistic investigation of this issue.


We thank Bill Gale, Ken Church, and David Yarowsky for many helpful discussions of this work and are grateful to four reviewers and Christian Rohrer for their comments on an earlier version.


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Table 1 A sample of NP heads, preceding verbs, and following prepositions derived from the parsed corpus
Table 2 Performance on the test sentences for two human judges and the lexical association procedure (LA)
Table 4 Precision recall tradeoff for the LA procedure.
Table 5 Performance of the lexical attachment procedure by underlying relationship.


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