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Chaos and Complexity in a Simple Model of Production Dynamics


Academic year: 2021

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Chaos and










DepartmentofPhysics, UniversityofPotsdam,Germany


Weconsider complex dynamical behavior in a simple model of production dynamics,

basedonthe Wiendahl’s funnelapproach. Inthecaseofcontinuousorder flowamodel of three parallel funnels reduces to the one-dimensional Bernoulli-type map, and demonstrates strongchaoticproperties. Theoptimizationof production costsispossible

withtheOGYmethod of chaos control. The dynamicschangesdrasticallyinthecaseof

discreteorder flow.We discuss different dynamical behaviors, the complexity and the

stability ofthis discretesystem.

Keywords: Productiondynamics;Discretemapping; Complexity; Control; Quasiperiodicity


Aproduction systemconsists of anumberof work

units,in which sets ofdifferentpartsareproduced

corresponding to customer orders. The orders

flow through the production system and cause

the manufacturing of the requested quantities.


orders arrive atawork system, theyform a queue

of waiting orders andbuildup abuffer inventory.

The problem of production control can be

for-mulated as that of regulating the flow of orders

in such away that givenaims (e.g., minimal costs

anddue date reliability) are achieved.

The production process is described in a

flow-oriented manner withafunnelmodel, accordingto Wiendahl

(1987). A

funnel representsawork unit,



which couldbe an individual workplace, agroup

ofwork places, or an operationarea. The funnels

are connected by the flow of "materials" (parts,


From outside, orders are pushed into the



they arrive, theyfillthe funnel and flow

out of the funnel after processing. Therefore the

funnel opening symbolizes the performance of

the work system, which can varyaccordingto the

work capacity madeavailable.Irregularoscillation

of funnel filling levels may disturb the flow and

reducethe performance of the system.

Our approach is to describe the production

process as a nonlinear dynamical system


applications of nonlinear methods to

manufac-turing systems have been recently pursued by


et al., 1999; Dias-Rivera et al.,


Thus, we consider all outside ordersas regular (periodic or



functions of time, and all system

parametersasconstants. Insuchcircumstancesthe

only source of complex irregular behavior can be the internal nonlineardynamics. The real

produc-tionsystems arerathercomplexinthesenseof the

number ofdifferent work places and connections

between them. Our aim in this work is to discuss

the optimization ofthe production costsof a

sim-ple three-funnel model with continuous flow and

chaotic behavior described by Chase etal. (1993);

Schtirmann and Hoffmann


In particular,

we demonstrate that the chaos can be controlled

to minimize some cost function. In Section 3 we

generalizethissimple funnel modelby introducing

a discrete order flow. The dynamic of the model

now depends on the work velocities and can be

irregularor periodic. Remarkably, the irregularity

is weaker than chaos; in particular the


exponent of the mapping is zero. We discuss the

complexity properties ofthis systemin details.




connected with three following ones that work in

parallel. At anytime the material flow is directed

from the first funnel to only one of the three funnels 1, 2, 3 (Fig.


To which ofthesefunnels

the material flow is directed, depends on the

history of the system and is regulated by the

following switching rule: if one of the funnels

becomesempty, theflow isimmediatlyswitchedto

this funnel and it remains here until the next one

becomes empty. In this section we always assume

that the material flow is continuous which means that the switching can occur at any moment of time. We would like to stress that



not necessarily mean zero level: we can take any

level as a reference and measure the contents of

each funnel withrespect to this level.

If the total production rate ofthe three funnels

is less than the material inflow, the levels of the

funnelswill grow inaverage; andifthe production

rate is larger than the inflow, the levels of the

funnels will decrease. Thus, a nontrivial

statisti-cally stationary regime is only possible for the

balanced system, where the total production rate

of thethree funnels isequalto thematerial inflow.

Normalizing theinput to unity, this means








The simple funnel model to be considered in this

paper consists of one "input" funnel, which is

where u; are the production rates of the funnels.

From the balance condition it follows, that the


b/1 b/2 b/3

FIGURE Asimplefunnelmodel with three funnels. Solid line: funnelxisfilled from the input flow untilsomeotherfunnel will


total amount of the material in three funnels is a constant(defined by the initial conditions)"





x3 U.


Wecanwritethe equationsof motion asasetof

ordinarydifferential equations for the contents of

thefunnels xi:

+/-i -ui




where the time-dependent index kcorresponds to

the funnel which isbeing filled atagivenmoment of time.


example ofthe time dependence ofxi

is shown in Figure 2.

Thedynamics ofthemodelisthreedimensional,

where the coordinates xi (representing the

dy-namical degrees of freedom) are the contents of

the funnels. Becausethe sum ofthese filling levels



which describes the state of the system moves on

the plane


The condition xi>0 defines the

triangle which is the phase space of our model.

According to


the motion is linear until the

trajectoryhitstheboundaryofthe triangle. Atthe

hit theinputflow switchesand a new straightline

begins. Thus, we have straight line motions with

reflections at the boundaries. These dynamics

were called


billiards" by Schiirmann

and Hoffmann


because (contrary to the

billiards systems usually considered in classical

mechanics) the reflection angle is fixed and

independenton the incident angle.


usualin billiardsystems, thedynamicscanbe

easily reduced to the mapping of the boundary

onto itself the Poincar6 map. Thismappingcan

beobtainedby solvingtheequationsof motion


between the reflections, the result is a

piecewise-linear function having 6 segments of constant

slope (Fig.


Themapping hasone discontinuity

point and the absolute value ofits slope is larger

than one. Therefore it is topologically equivalent

to the dyadic Bernoulli map.

Because the Bernoulli map has a natural

Markov partition, the invariant probability

dis-tribution can be found analytically. According to

this distribution, shown in Figure 3, we can find

different statistical characteristics of the work

process, in particular the cost function. Here we

assumethat every switchingof the inflow direction causes a fixed cost K. Then the average costsper

time unit are

k- K lim

T--oo 7’



is the number of switches during the

time interval T.


we have the statistical

description formulated in terms of the Poincar6

map, it is easy to find the average time between

1.0 0.8 0.6





0.2 0.0 10

FIGURE2 The funnelfillingslevelsx(solid line),x2(dot-dashedline)andx3(dashedline)asfunctions of time. Thesumof these


0 2 3


FIGURE3 Lower panel: The Poincar6 map for the

three-funnel model withthe productionrates Ul=0.5, u2=0.3 and

u3 0.2.SnandSn+1arethe successive reflectionpointsofthe

triangle circumference coordinateS.The small circlesrepresent

the period-3 orbit that minimizes the cost function. Upper

panel:the invariantprobabilitydistribution.



7-- lim



which is inversely proportional to the cost function:


The average time can be easily found analytically

through the invariant probabilitydistribution.

We now addressthe problemofminimizing the

cost function, by controlling chaos. According to

Ott etal.


it is possibleto stabilizeperiodic

orbitsinside chaoticregionsby using the so-called

OGYmethod of chaos control. Ifthese orbitshave

a larger mean switching time, then the cost

function will have a lower value than for the chaotic regime. It is straightforward to find the

periodic points of the Bernoulli map numerically,


times. The results are shown in Figure 4. The

minimum of the cost function is reached on the

simplest period-3 periodic orbit when all three

funnelsarefilled in acyclicmanner: 2---, 3

2.0 o 1.5 o 1.0 ..O o | 0.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle period

FIGURE4 The cost function for the cycles of different

periods,andtheaverage one(dashedline).Thecycleofperiod


--+ 2+ 3 --, Thus, controlling the simplest

period-3 orbit minimizes the costfunction.

The controlling strategy is straightforward.


one of thefunnels is becoming empty, we have to

check if the filling levels of the others are smaller

orlargerthan the coordinate of theperiod-3 orbit.

Intheformercase onehastoswitchslightly before

the funnel is empty, in the latter case one has to

switchafter thezerolevelisreached. Inthiswayit

ispossibletogetthetrajectory closertothe desired

orbit, and finally to stabilize it.



3.1. Formulation of the Problem

In this section we generalize the model discussed

above to the case of discrete order flow. We

assume that the orders are coming every unit of time. We take the discretization interval to be

equal 1, then the total contents of the funnels is

another parameter of the problem. Wecould also

normalize inanother way:to assumethatthe total contents is and thediscretizationinterval isAt

-1. Correspondingly, the outflow from the funnels

1- 3 happens discretely,at the time intervals



The equations of motion


remain the same,


switchingcan occur only at integer times, and we

use the following rule: if at time t--n the level of

the i-th funnel is less or equal to zero Figure 5,

then this funnel starts to be filled (it can happen

that two funnels have negative levels, in this case

weuse aprescribedpreference



the level of the funnel is determined as a

continu-ous variable in this scheme.

Summarizing, instead of the continuous-time



wehave thediscrete-time dynamics









The system must be be balanced, i.e., the total

input is equal to the total outflow. This property

should beformulated forthe discrete case aswell:

i=1 i=1

Here u; are the production rates and


are the

times ofthe work processfor oneworkpiece. From




itfollows that the sumof thevariables

x;is anintegral of motion:

xi X const.




already mentioned, thevalue ofXis oneofthe

important parameters ofthe problem.

8 4 X


FIGURE5 The funnel filling levels x,x andx3as afunction

of time. The sum of these values is constant. The markers denote the discrete time.Notethattheswitching takesplaceif

oneofthe variablesxibecomesnegativeorzero.

3.2. Rational ProductionRates

We start with the case when all production rates arerationals


H --,



with some integers p;, q. We show now that all

motions in this case are periodic. Letus consider the q-thiteration of






_qt_Piq- Ni,




is the total inflow ofthe funnel duringthis time

interval. BecausePi and


areintegers, it follows



that the fractional parts of x; are

inte-grals ofmotion. Thus, wehaveamappingdefined

on abounded set ofintegers. Therefore,

eventual-ly every trajectory is periodic.

This conclusion is supported by numerical

experiments, where we for every initial condition

determined the period of the emerging periodic

orbit. We show the results for three values of the

totalfilling levelXinFigure6. Theperiodinthese

pictures denotes the total number of switches on

the periodic trajectory, the minimal period is

obviously 3. We observe the following features,

which appear to be rather unusual for dynamical systems:

1. The dynamics is multistable, and the level of

multistability increases with the parameter X.

Cycles ofdifferent periodcoexist.

2. All the cycles are neutrally stable, moreover,

they appearin two-parametricfamilies thatfill

whole regions on the plane ofvariables. These

regions arevery orderedifXis aninteger, and

less ordered for irrationalX.

Analytically, the property 2 is a direct


FIGURE6 Theperiodof the eventualperiodic trajectoryin

dependence on initial point, shown in the initial coordinates

(x,x2). The production rates are u=0.4, u2=0.4, u3=0.2.

The total filling level isX=3 in(a),X 2x/-Jin(b)andX=10

in (c). The color/grey codes for the periods are different on

differentpanels.(SeeColor PlateI.)


FIGURE 7 A periodic trajectory of the discrete system,

shown in Xl-X2 coordinates (solid line). The dots mark the

integer momentsof time. The trajectory canbe shiftedunless

thedotsdonot crosstheborders of thetriangle;onepossible

position is shown with the dashed line.

does not change the dynamics that is essentially

determined by the integer partof the variables xi.

This property can be also demonstrated

geome-trically. Consider a closed trajectory as shown in

Figure 7. Shiftingthistrajectoryparallel to any of

its sides


acombination ofsuch shifts)leads to another allowed trajectory, ifthe "nodes" donot cross the borders of the triangle

One can see, that the possible switching points

for a given periodic orbit form a triangle, whose

corners are given by the condition that two nodes lie exactly on the border of the triangle





X3 X.

3.3. Irrational Production Rates

If at least two production rates ui are irrational,

periodic orbits do not exist. This follows simply

from the observation, that for irrational ui the

condition xi(t+

N)= x(t)

cannot be fulfilled.

Nu-merical simulationsdemonstratethat theprocesses

in the system are rather irregular. The situation

here is similar to that inthelinearparabolic maps,

described recently by Zyczkowski and Nishikawa


In all numerical calculations presented

below weuse theproduction rates






where 0 1.3247... isthe spiral-mean number


real root of



Also, we consider the

fixed totallevel of the funnels to X=10. Wehave

performednumericalexperimentswith someother

parameter values, they demonstrate the same

qualitative features.

3.3.1. Phase



The mapping defined by


is volume-preserved,

butnotone-to-one. Due to theoverlapping of the

iterations, the final attractor looks like a set of

closed domains, see Figure 8.


similar structure

of the attracting set have been observed by

Zyczkowski andNishikawa


3.3.2. Complexity

There are different complexity measures that


10 "%,... 0 5 10


5.74 5.72 5.70 -0.16 -0.14 -0.12


FIGURE8 The structureofthephasespace of themapping (4). In (a) only points outsidethe triangle (i.e., the points where

switchingsoccur)areshown.The attractor is builtby10000pointsofonetrajectory (withtransientsdiscarded).Asmallpartof(a)is

enlargedin(b);here one can see that the attractor consists of open domains.

Badii and Politi,


The first step is to

intro-duceasymbolic representation oftheprocess. The

natural symbolic codingwiththree symbols 1, 2, 3

corresponds to the sequence of the funnels that

are filled. Not all combinations of three symbols

arepossible: arepetition ofasymbolis forbidden.

This allows usto reduce the symbolic

representa-tion to two symbols. Namely, we associate to the

transitions -+2,2--+3,3 ---, thesymbol 1, andto

the transitions 2 -+ 1,1 -+ 3,3 2the symbol 1.

Then, as onecaneasysee, the initial state and the

sequence of sand ls are sufficient toreproduce

the full sequence ofthree symbols 1,2,3.

Remark-ably, in the new two-symbol representation all

combinations of two symbols arepossible. So the

maximal possible number of different words of

length n is 2


This number will be realized ifthe

sequence is random. For chaotically generated

sequences(e.g., this isthecaseforthe

continuous-flow system described in Section 2



expects thenumber


of differentwordsoflength

n to grow exponentially




where h is the

topological entropy of the system





To characterize the complexity, we have found

all sequences up to length 30, the results are

pre-sented in Figure 9. The number



de-finitely slower than any exponent, the best fit for

n-13,...,30 gives the power law No(n



similarpower-lawincreaseofthenumber ofwords

have been already found for quasiperiodically

forced systems by Pikovsky et al.



classify the complexity, we remind that for a

periodic symbolic sequencethenumber of possible

10000 1000 100 10 10 100 wordlengthn

FIGURE9 Characterization ofcomplexityof thetwo-symbol

symbolic sequence (filled circles). The dashed line has slope

1.27.For comparisonweshowthecorrespondingcurvesfor the

fully random sequence of two symbols (open circles), for a

periodic sequence (filled boxes), and for quasiperiodic

se-quences with two frequencies (open boxes) and with three

frequencies(open triangles). Inthelatter twocasesthe number ofwords growsaspower lawso(nande(n22,respectively.

words is limited by the period, thus


does not

grow with n.


quasiperiodic symbolic sequence

may demonstrate the power-law increase of the

number ofthe words. Thus, the adopted measure

of complexity reveals similarity to

quasiperiodi-cally generated symbolic sequences. Remarkably,

this similarity is not seen in the correlations.

3.3.3. Correlations

The autocorrelation functionhave beencalculated

for thefunnelstates


the resultsarepresented

inFigure 10. Thecorrelations decay upto level

0.01, but from these figures we cannot conclude

what are the spectral properties of the process


0.2 : a) C:: 0.0 ._o o -0.2 0 500 1000 0 500 time time 1000 0 500 1000 time

FIGURE10 The correlation functions of time seriesxl (a),X (b),and x3 (c). The correlationsare small althoughwecannot


c 10 010 0 lO-S 100 102 104 time 10

10 10 time

FIGURE11 Integratedcorrelationfunctions(9): (a)the correlation function of thevariablexl(Fig. 10a); (b):The correlations of

thesymbolicsequence oftwosymbols,asdescribed intext.

theory (Cornfeld et al., 1982), the spectrum can

have a discrete, an absolutely continuous, and a

singular continuous parts. The discrete spectrum

corresponds to a non-decaying part of the

cor-relation function that oscillates periodically or

quasiperiodically in time. The absolutely

continu-ous spectrum corresponds to a decaying

correla-tion funccorrela-tion. Finally, the singular continuous


spectrum corresponds usually to a

cor-relation function that decays as a power law, or to a function that occasionally has some bursts.

Differentexamples of fractal spectracanbefound

in papers by Feudel et al.


Pikovsky et al.


To distinguish betweenthepossibilities,we

use the Ketzmerick formula (Ketzmerick et al.,


whichgivesthe correlationdimension/)2of

the spectrum:










is the correlationfunction,and Cint(T) is

the so-called integrated correlation function. We

present the integrated correlation functions


the variable Xl and for the symbolic sequence of s and -1 s described


in Figure 11. They

showapower-law decaywith


1. Thissuggests

that the spectrum of the process is purely

abso-lutelycontinuous.Wenotehere,that quasiperiodic

symbolic sequences demonstrate purely discrete


3.3.4. Stability

Asitfollowsfrom theequations of motion



the trajectories are neutrally stable in the linear

approximation. Correspondingly, both


exponents are zero. However, for finite

perturba-tions we observe instability when twoneighboring

trajectories fall on different sides of the borders

of the triangle


Our numerical experiments


everywhere dense. This means that anytwo initial

points will eventually diverge, what can be

de-scribed as a weak sensitivity to initial conditions.

For initially closed points

.(1), .(2),

we can

esti-mate the characteristic time before their images

are on different sides of the cutting lines as


I/X l


We have considered a simple balanced

three-funnel model of production dynamics, both for

continuous and discrete order flow. In the continuous case the system demonstrates strong

chaotic properties. This allows one to use the

methods of chaos control to minimize the cost

function. Wehave demonstrated that the simplest

periodic orbit minimizes the switching costs, and

described how to control this orbit.

The case of discrete order flow exhibits

non-trivial complex dynamics. Now the dynamical

properties depend on the production rates; if

they are rational, the dynamics is periodic. For

irrational production rates we have observed

dynamics that shares properties of order and

chaos. In particular, the motion isneutrally stable

in the linear approximation, but has continuous

spectrum. These aspects of the dynamics resemble

the properties of some previously studied

com-plex non-chaotic systems. Searchfor similar

prop-erties in other production systems appears to be

promising, and will be subjectoffuture research.


We thank D. Armbruster, L. Bunimovich, K.

Nathansen, B. Scholz-Reiter, U. Schwarz, H.-P.

Wiendahl and M. Zaks for fruitful discus-sions. I.K. acknowledges support from the



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FIGURE A simple funnel model with three funnels. Solid line: funnel x is filled from the input flow until some other funnel will be empty
FIGURE 2 The funnel fillings levels x (solid line), x2 (dot-dashed line) and x3 (dashed line) as functions of time
FIGURE 4 The cost function for the cycles of different periods, and the average one (dashed line)
FIGURE 5 The funnel filling levels x, x and x3 as a function of time. The sum of these values is constant


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