Mathematics Senior Level Capstone Course
Unit Overview
Title of Unit: Reforming School Lunches Unit Designers:
(Name and School Division) Stephanie Brady, Michelle Rittenhouse, Marianne Veitch Hanover County Public Schools Steve Gregorin, Lauren Noehl York County Public Schools Editor:
Diane Leighty
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach
Context of the problem: Create a plan for a month of nutritious school lunches. Take into consideration budget/costs, student appeal, packaging, employment,
trash/waste, etc. What would you keep the same at your school? What would you change? Explore different options for food and costs. Can you provide a cost effective, nutritious, and environmentally safe lunch? What aspects other than food will you need to take into account?
Number of Class
Hours: 21 Estimated 21 hours
Design: Problem Based Unit
Other Subject Areas/Disciplines Addressed:
Environmental Science, Health, Personal Finance
Driving Question: How can you improve your school lunches? Mathematics Content
Percentages, graphical representations, curve of best fit, tables, charts, total cost formulas
MPE Addressed:
Problem Solving, Decision making, and Integration Assumption of Prior
Knowledge: Application processes, research, curve of best fit, graphs, charts, percentages,
College and Career
Skills to be taught (T) during this unit or expectation (E) for student use during this unit and assessed (A): BIE Page 35-37
Communication (Oral and/or Written) E, A Technology T, A
Critical Thinking/Decision Making E,A Other: (Describe)
Major Products and/or Performances:
Group: Presentation on how to improve school lunches with regard to cost, quality and environmental impact. Include a one month calendar of school lunches with a cost analysis sheet.
Presentation Audience:
X Class
School Individual: Questions and answers from interview(s), signed
rough draft of presentation.
X Expert
X Community
X Other: Possibly School board
Launch: Event or experience used to engage the students interest and inquiry:
ABC News article and video, “LAUSD ahead of Michelle Obama’s healthy lunch program,”
MSNBC News article and video, “High costs land on school cafeteria trays,”
NPR article, “Chef Proves School Lunch Can Be Healthy, Cheap,” Evaluation: Formative Assessments
(During the Unit)
Interview X Practice Presentations X
Mathematicians Journal X Notes X
X Checklists X
Rough Drafts X Concept maps
Field Tests Other:
Summative Assessment (End of Project)
Written Products, with a rubric X Peer Evaluation, with a rubric
Oral Presentation with a rubric X Self Evaluation, with a rubric
Other Product(s) or
Performance(s), with a rubric
X Other:
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Program NCLB Title II Part B
Resources Needed: On-site people, facilities: Cafeteria workers, Principal, English teacher Equipment/Technology: Publisher, Excel, Word
Materials: Poster board or construction paper
Community Resources: School board members, superintendent or assistant superintendent
Reflection Methods: Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class
Mathematicians Journal X Small/Focus Groups X
Whole Class Discussions X Fishbowl Discussions
Survey Other:
Material Adapted From:
TITLE: Reforming School Lunches Time Frame: 14 Blocks
Notes: This unit is intended to take approximately 14 blocks. This is just a general outline. Students should be given due dates throughout the problem in order to keep them from getting behind in their work. By the end of block 4 turn in interview questions and research on budget, nutrition, environmental impact, federal guidelines.
Research on school budget Research on nutritious food Survey questions
Research on environmental impact
Research on nutritional and federal guide lines
Questions for interviews Survey other students
Turn in research results and questions, including meeting minutes.
Survey other students
Rough draft of school menu
Notes: By the end of block 7 turn in rough draft of menu, non-food essentials, outline of costs, interview notes, meeting notes. By the end of block 10 turn in final menu, final plan, rough draft of paper, outline of presentation, meeting minutes
Complete interview & interview notes
Research non-essential food costs
Complete outline of costs
Rough draft of paper given to English teacher to review. Compile survey results.
Finalize menu Finalize plan
Outline of presentation
Notes: By the end of block 14 turn in final paper, evaluations, final draft of visual presentation.
Rough draft of visual presentation
Finish paper – make
corrections recommended by English teacher
Final draft of visual presentation
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Program NCLB Title II Part B
Virginia’s Senior Level Capstone Course Instructional Plan
Unit Title: Reforming School Lunches
Driving Question: How can you improve your school lunches?
Problem: Create a plan for a month of nutritious, cost efficient school lunches and a presentation on how to improve your school lunches.
ENGAGE Introduce the Problem
Number of hours 1
Your district has been told that it needs to revise its lunch program to include more healthy foods and environmentally friendly service while keeping the costs down as much as possible. Budgets are tight and there is little room in the district budget to increase the cost of the lunch program. The district has opened up the opportunity for anyone in the community to come forward with a plan that will deal with these issues, and present their plan to the board for consideration. Time is of the essence, as the board has to have received proposals within three weeks in order to be considered for the upcoming school year.
HO #1
Show one or more of the videos from the launch.
Mathematician Journal Prompts
What ideas do you have for changing school lunches?
Does your current school lunch program provide nutritious lunches?
EXPLORE Whole Class
Number of hours__2_
As a class, brainstorm to organize the problem into different categories:
What we know –[ including current menu, products needed to give lunch to the students (plates, utensils, and trays), etc.] What we need to know – [current cost of food, packaging,
materials, nutritional guidelines, student preferences, etc.] First steps –[ interview cafeteria staff, survey students, research
budget information, summarize current practices by which to compare healthier/more economical suggestions]
In addition to the articles/videos used in the launch, students should be directed to the following resources to help them get started:
Budget information from the school board
NY Times Article, “New Rules for School Meals Aim at Reducing Obesity,”
USDA website, “National School Lunch Program,” _2.htm
Other articles and websites describing current school lunch programs and challenges
Mathematician Journal Prompts
What are some interview
questions you may use?
What are some healthier/more economical choices you will research?
How do the students in your school feel about the current program?
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science
EXPLAIN Expectations for students work and working together Number of Hours: 1
Inform students
Discuss with students the problem and what issues arise Students are expected to give a presentation with some kind of
visual aids stating how they will improve their cafeteria
Unit calendar shows what students will turn in throughout the 14 blocks
Handout Grading Procedures (HO #2), Rubric (HO #3) and Self Evaluation (HO #4).
Mathematician Journal Prompts:
Draw a sketch of your visual aide. Label the types of graphs and information you think you will need to include.
ELABORATE Students working in groups Number of Hours: 2
Teacher should decide how large to make the groups or whether to work as a whole class depending on the size of their class and what they feel will work best for their students.
Discuss with the class the various parts to this project
(interviewing, researching, surveying, presenting, etc) and how the groups will divide the work.
If there are multiple groups then it is recommended that those from each group who will interview will all go together to interview the cafeteria staff so as not to overburden the staff with multiple interviews.
Likewise with any other school employees that will be interviewed.
Possible tools the students will need, depending on the student/class: Know/need to know lists
Daily goal sheet
Briefs/Memos to Teacher/Coach Task lists
Planning Calendar
Mathematician Journal Prompts:
Discuss the role you are playing in helping to develop and present a solution to this problem. What is the significance of that role? EVALUATE Working groups submit products and make presentations Number of Hours: 3
Students present their solution to the class. The class will decide which group should present to the principal/school board.
Students should complete Problem Evaluation (HO #3) and Self
Evaluation (HO # 2).
Mathematician Journal Prompts:
What is your opinion of the product? If you had to give yourself an honest grade for your role, what would that grade be and why? What did you learn about yourself and about this
problem along the way?
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science
HO #1
Name:______________________ Date:_____________________
School Lunches Problem
Can you provide your school with a more cost effective, nutritious, and environmentally safe lunch?
American children are facing a very real health crisis. More school aged children and young adults are obese or over weight than ever in history. Some people think that school lunch programs can be changed to help combat this problem.
Your job is to create a plan for a month of school lunches, taking into consideration such things as cost, student involvement, packaging, employment, trash, etc. What would you keep the same at your school? What would you change? Your plan needs to be supported by solid research. Be prepared to present your findings in a professional way to our school’s administrative team and/or the School Board for their consideration.
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science
HO #2
Name:______________________ Date:_____________________
Grading Procedure
Your groups will be graded based on the rubric below. Each group will earn a grade from 0 to 100 based on these criteria. This grade will be multiplied by the number of group members, and these total points will be distributed among you.
You, as a group, will decide how that grade will be distributed.
For example, if your group gets a 90, does each of you deserve a 90? Maybe one member receives a 95 and another member only receives an 85.
Please list your group members, and how the total points should be distributed. Next to each name, write the percentage of the grade each person deserves. The total percentage must equal 100%. No one score will be recorded as greater than 100.
Group Member Percentage of grade earned
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science
HO #3
Performance Task General Rubric
Planning &
• Shows complete
understanding of the required mathematical knowledge. • The solution completely addresses all
mathematical/scientific components presented in the problem.
• Student extended his thinking beyond the problem to new connections or new problems.
• Uses only the important elements of the problem. • Uses an appropriate and complete strategy for solving the problem. • Uses only relevant information.
• Uses clear and effective diagrams, tables, charts and graphs.
• Diligently works on the problem with little to no help from teacher.
•There is a clear, effective explanation of the solution. All steps are included so the reader does not have to infer how the problem was solved.
•Mathematical/scientific representation is actively used as a means of communicating ideas.
• There is precise and appropriate
mathematical/scientific terminology and notation.
•Is thorough in their research and is able to support a multitude of options
•Gives appropriate works cited for materials and information presented •Gives suggested materials for further
• Shows nearly complete understanding of required mathematical/scientific knowledge.
• The solution addresses almost all of the mathematical/scientific components presented in the problem. There may be
minor errors.
• Uses most of the important elements and relevant data of the task. • Uses an appropriate but incomplete strategy. •Appropriate, incomplete use of diagrams, tables, charts and graphs. • Diligently works on the problem and receives help only after trying many strategies.
• There is a clear explanation. • There is appropriate use of accurate mathematical/ scientific representation. • There is effective use of mathematical/ scientific terminology and notation.
•Has done research and supports some options. •Give appropriate works cited for materials and information presented.
• Shows some understanding of the required mathematical/ scientific knowledge. • The solution addresses some, but not all the mathematical/ scientific components presented in the task.
•Uses some important elements of the task. • Uses an inappropriate or unclear strategy. • Uses some relevant data.
• Limited use or misuse of diagrams, tables, charts, and graphs. • Can do simple parts with little help, but gives up on difficult parts if no help is given.
•There is an incomplete explanation; it may not be clearly represented. • There is some use of appropriate mathematical/ scientific representation. • There is some use of mathematical/ scientific notation appropriate to the problem.
•Expresses options, but is missing some research to back up conclusions. •Is missing works cited for materials and information presented.
• Shows limited or no understanding of the problem, perhaps only re-copying the given data. •The solution addresses none of the mathematical/scientific components required to solve the task.
•Uses no important elements of the task. •Works haphazardly with no particular strategy for solving the problem. • Uses irrelevant data. •Does not show use of diagrams, tables, charts or graphs.
• Needs help for simple tasks and gives up quickly, often just wanting the answer.
•There is no explanation of the solution. The explanation cannot be understood, or is unrelated to the task. • There is no use or inappropriate use of mathematical/scientific representations.
• There is no use, or mostly inappropriate use, of mathematical/scientific terminology and notation.
•Expresses limited or no research
•Has limited or no options •Has limited or no works cited
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science
HO #4
Name:______________________ Partner:_____________________ Date:_____________
Self Evaluation
The following is a list of statements to be answered by you about yourself. Think carefully about your choices for each of the following statements.
Directions: Put an ‘X’ in the box that applies.
I ,________________________________ ,(insert name) Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
Strongly Disagree Offered suggestions for research and interviews
Completed an equal amount of the research and/or the interview questions.
Shared information I gathered pertaining to my part
Checked my math for total costs, comparisons, etc
Helped complete questions for research
Helped complete the graphs and presentation materials
Made meaningful contributions during the presentation
Other comments:
UVA-SCPS Office of Mathematics Outreach with support from VADOE Mathematics and Science