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Behavioral equilibrium exchange rate

Determinants of Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate and its Misalignment in Kenya: A Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate Approach

Determinants of Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate and its Misalignment in Kenya: A Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate Approach

... term equilibrium in which external and internal balance prevails and a long term equilibrium in which net foreign debt is constant and the capital stock has reached its steady state level (Frankel and ...


Some notes on the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model

Some notes on the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model

... of exchange rate misalignment is one of the most important tasks in open-economy ...The behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER) model is one of the most widely used models ...


Real Exchange Rate Misalignment: An Application of Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) to Nigeria

Real Exchange Rate Misalignment: An Application of Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) to Nigeria

... run behavioral equilibrium exchange rate in ...a Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) and a Permanent Equilibrium Exchange Rate ...real ...


The Real Effective Exchange Rate Misalignment: Application of Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate BEER to Algeria 1980-2009

The Real Effective Exchange Rate Misalignment: Application of Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate BEER to Algeria 1980-2009

... This results can be discerned from the results that all coefficients are enough strong and statistically significant. The overall performance of the regression is smooth; there is only one coefficient, the total reserve ...


Understanding the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model via its application to the valuation of Chinese renminbi

Understanding the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model via its application to the valuation of Chinese renminbi

... The classical BEER model is the model that uses a set of economic fundamentals to calculate equilibrium real or nominal exchange rate, in which a single equation, unit root, and cointegr[r] ...


Moroccan Dirham Flexibilization and Equilibrium Exchange Rate: A Quest for Grail?

Moroccan Dirham Flexibilization and Equilibrium Exchange Rate: A Quest for Grail?

... The purpose of this study is to identify the Moroccan dirham misalignment phases over the period 1998T1-2017T4, related to an estimated equilibrium exchange rate, using an ad hoc behavioral ...


On equilibrium real exchange rates in euro area: Special focus on behavioral equilibrium exchange rates in Ireland and Greece

On equilibrium real exchange rates in euro area: Special focus on behavioral equilibrium exchange rates in Ireland and Greece

... estimate equilibrium real exchange rates for these countries and to compute their degrees of real exchange rate ...medium-run equilibrium exchange rates for Greece and Ireland ...


Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in Azerbaijan

Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in Azerbaijan

... real exchange rates. By studying the determinants of real equilibrium exchange rates in various transition economies, Kemme and Teng (2000), Egert and Lahreche-Revil (2003), Kemme and Roy (2003), and ...


The equilibrium real exchange rate of China: a productivity approach

The equilibrium real exchange rate of China: a productivity approach

... the exchange rate policy of China has gained growing attention around the ...modeling equilibrium real exchange rates, the results of any one approach must necessarily be viewed with caution ...


Economic convergence and the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate in Poland

Economic convergence and the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate in Poland

... on equilibrium exchange rates (EER) of central and eastern European countries (CEECs), reviewed ...concepts: behavioral EER and fundamental ...real exchange rate ...partial ...


Equilibrium exchange rate theories under flexible exchange rate regimes

Equilibrium exchange rate theories under flexible exchange rate regimes

... the equilibrium exchange rate, looking at it from at least seven perspectives: that one of a) the trade balance; b) the current account; c) the balance of payments; d) the absence of speculative ...


Examining measures of the equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Macroeconomic Balance and the Natural Real Exchange Rate Approaches

Examining measures of the equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Macroeconomic Balance and the Natural Real Exchange Rate Approaches

... of exchange rate deviations from its long-run equilibrium following a shock is approximately ...the equilibrium exchange rate are automatically manipulated by market conditions ...


Determinants of real exchange rate misalignment: An empirical analysis for MENA region

Determinants of real exchange rate misalignment: An empirical analysis for MENA region

... real exchange rate may be misaligned whatever the regime, other studies have focused on demonstrating whether a given regime is more prone to misalignment than ...fixed exchange rate induces ...




... Real EXchange rate) a formulé un cadre théorique pour le taux de change réel naturel à long terme dont l’estimation est basée sur un ensemble de relations comportementales ressemblants aux équations ...


The Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Evidence from Turkey

The Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Evidence from Turkey

... The quarterly data set considered in the estimations for the period 1987:1-1999:1 are obtained from the web site of the Central Bank of Turkey, the State Planning Organization, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Deutsche ...


Equilibrium exchange rate and misalignment In selected MENA countries

Equilibrium exchange rate and misalignment In selected MENA countries

... real exchange rate, which means that the direct effect of net capital flows on the price of non- tradables offsets its indirect effect on trade ...real exchange rate to the net capital flows ...


Calculating the Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Macedonian Denar

Calculating the Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Macedonian Denar

... an equilibrium exchange rate concept, two further points should be ...the equilibrium exchange rate assumes that the exchange rate in the base period has been in ...


How to stabilize the currency exchange rate

How to stabilize the currency exchange rate

... the exchange rate policy, specifically the battle that the Central Bank was waging against the strengthening of the Ruble (see also « The Policy of Quantitative Easing At High Interest Rates of the Central ...


The Elasticities Approach to Egypt’s Balance of Payments and Equilibrium Exchange Rate

The Elasticities Approach to Egypt’s Balance of Payments and Equilibrium Exchange Rate

... resulting exchange of parts and components with parent companies and affiliates has given rise to horizontally and vertically integrated global production systems by transnationals, as well as subcontracting and ...


Approaching a problem of the long run real equilibrium exchange rate of Polish zloty while entering the ERM 2 and Euro zone

Approaching a problem of the long run real equilibrium exchange rate of Polish zloty while entering the ERM 2 and Euro zone

... capital is below the optimal one, i.e. marginal return on investment exceeds the alternative cost. This induces to make investment decisions what causes an increase in productivity and a decline in marginal costs of ...


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