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Depth of Anesthesia

Original Article Effect of different depth of anesthesia on postoperative cognitive function after retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy

Original Article Effect of different depth of anesthesia on postoperative cognitive function after retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy

... monitor depth of anesthesia, which is used to determine depth of ...tional anesthesia yielded milder influence on postoperative cognitive function after gyneco- logic laparoscopic operation ...


Estimating Depth of Anesthesia from EEG Signals Using Wavelet Transform

Estimating Depth of Anesthesia from EEG Signals Using Wavelet Transform

... general anesthesia is to provide a stage of reversible unconsciousness with adequate analgesia and muscle relaxation for surgical procedures in such a way that it does not jeopardize the patient's ...of ...


How Depth of Anesthesia Influences the Blood Oxygenation Level–Dependent Signal from the Visual Cortex of Children

How Depth of Anesthesia Influences the Blood Oxygenation Level–Dependent Signal from the Visual Cortex of Children

... The aim of our study was to investigate how changes in the concentration of the anesthetic agent sevoflurane influence the BOLD response in children older than 5 years of age. We expected to gain an insight into how the ...


Clinical Analysis of EEG Parameters in Prediction of the Depth of Anesthesia in Different Stages: A Comparative Study

Clinical Analysis of EEG Parameters in Prediction of the Depth of Anesthesia in Different Stages: A Comparative Study

... In other words, some characteristics are more common in a special anesthetic stage compared to other stages. Therefore, we have to introduce methods that can use EEG characteristics in their useful ranges. It is ...




... This paper proposes a new approach to monitor depth of anesthesia using visual evoked potentials. In order to visually stimulate a patient during surgery (eyes closed), this novel hypothesis was ...


Applying Time-Frequency Image of Convolutional Neural Network to Extract Feature on Long-Term EEG Signals to Predict Depth of Anesthesia

Applying Time-Frequency Image of Convolutional Neural Network to Extract Feature on Long-Term EEG Signals to Predict Depth of Anesthesia

... Although the instantaneous frequency and intensity of the EEG can be obtained from time-frequency images, the EEG waveform do not have significant waveform characteristics of physiological signals such as ECG and PPG, ...


Review Article Association between depth of anesthesia and postoperative outcome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Review Article Association between depth of anesthesia and postoperative outcome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

... In our meta-analysis, no correlation between wound infections, major complications and anesthetic depth was found. A recent research by Lindholm et al. [29] reported that cumulative time of low BIS had no impact ...


Feasibility, Safety, and Periprocedural Complications Associated with Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms according to the Depth of Anesthesia

Feasibility, Safety, and Periprocedural Complications Associated with Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms according to the Depth of Anesthesia

... local anesthesia or conscious sedation is a feasible and safe alternative to general anesthesia in most pa- tients with good-grade SAH (Hunt and Hess 1 or 2) with ruptured aneurysms undergoing ...


Depth of anesthesia control using internal model control techniques

Depth of anesthesia control using internal model control techniques

... unconsciousness, Depth of Anaesthesia (DoA), and can be defined as the lack of response and recall to noxious ...the depth of anaesthesia, may include changes in blood pressures or heart rate, lacrimation ...


Consciousness and depth of anesthesia assessment based on Bayesian analysis of EEG signals

Consciousness and depth of anesthesia assessment based on Bayesian analysis of EEG signals

... [37] W. D. Smith and R. C. Dutton, “NT Smith: Measuring the performance of 651 anesthetic depth indicators,” Anesthesiology, vol. 84, pp. 38–51, 1996. 652 [38] D. Jordan, M. Steiner, E. F. Kochs, and G. Schneider, ...


Depth of anesthesia assessment and higher brain function modelling for consciousness

Depth of anesthesia assessment and higher brain function modelling for consciousness

... Monitoring of this ill-defined phenomenon is a complex challenge. Current moni- tors rely on processed EEG to estimate Depth of Anaesthesia (DoA). EEG based monitors have yet to prove their benefit (Bleijenberg, ...


Depth of anesthesia assessment and higher brain function modelling for consciousness

Depth of anesthesia assessment and higher brain function modelling for consciousness

... 2. Second, a neural network (NN) method is presented to assess Depth of Anaes- thesia from long segments of raw EEG. The proposed method was able to ap- proximate the output from a BIS XP monitor for the training ...


An investigation into the effect of depth of anesthesia on postoperative pain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery: a double-blind clinical trial

An investigation into the effect of depth of anesthesia on postoperative pain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery: a double-blind clinical trial

... H-BIS from recovery time to 24 hours after the surgery and cause better analgesia for patients at rest and during cough. Maintaining L-BIS was also effective in the reduction of the incidence of nausea and vomiting after ...


Using bispectral index and cerebral oximetry to guide hemodynamic therapy in high-risk surgical patients

Using bispectral index and cerebral oximetry to guide hemodynamic therapy in high-risk surgical patients

... However, the situation may be changing as recent guidelines from the UK’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have emphasized better out- comes and cost savings from hemodynamic monitoring by use of ...


Comparing Bispectral Index and Narcotrend monitors in patients undergoing major hepatobiliary surgery: a case series

<p>Comparing Bispectral Index and Narcotrend monitors in patients undergoing major hepatobiliary surgery: a case series</p>

... EEG-based depth-of-anesthesia monitors in high-risk patients under- going major hepatobiliary ...the depth of ...of depth of anesthesia, including use of ...


The effect of etomidate or propofol on brainstem function during anesthesia induction: a bispectral index-guided study

<p>The effect of etomidate or propofol on brainstem function during anesthesia induction: a bispectral index-guided study</p>

... Anesthetics cause central nervous system depression. In 1985, Thornton et al reported that etomidate suppresses cortical activity in a dose-dependent manner but does not affect brainstem response. 10 This fi nding ...


Reinforcement Learning for Closed-Loop Propofol Anesthesia: A Study in Human Volunteers

Reinforcement Learning for Closed-Loop Propofol Anesthesia: A Study in Human Volunteers

... in depth- of-anesthesia control with favorable results (Hu et ...propofol anesthesia in healthy human volunteers, and b) compare the performance of RL control against published clinical ...


Evaluation of EEG β2/θ   ratio and channel locations in measuring anesthesia depth

Evaluation of EEG β2/θ ratio and channel locations in measuring anesthesia depth

... the depth of anesthesia based on EEG signals have been developed ...of anesthesia agents on the CNS is not well ...few anesthesia depth monitors in the market, such as the BIS monitor ...


Original Article Effects of anesthetic depth on postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) in non-cardiac surgical patients: a meta-analysis

Original Article Effects of anesthetic depth on postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) in non-cardiac surgical patients: a meta-analysis

... the depth of anes- thesia and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) in non-cardiac surgical ...the depth of anesthesia on short- or long-term ...the depth of anesthesia on POCD and ...


Evaluation of the anesthetic effects of MS222 in the adult Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)

Evaluation of the anesthetic effects of MS222 in the adult Mexican axolotl (<em>Ambystoma mexicanum</em>)

... 0.1%. Depth of anesthesia and physiological changes were evaluated every 15 minutes post-MS222 exposure with the following parameters: righting behavior, withdrawal reflex, acetic acid test response, heart ...


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