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hedge fund activism

The Returns to Hedge Fund Activism

The Returns to Hedge Fund Activism

... of Hedge Fund Activism Turning next to the characteristics of the firms targeted by hedge fund activists, Table 2 shows that hedge fund activists resemble “value ...


Hedge Fund Activism: A Review

Hedge Fund Activism: A Review

... follows. Hedge fund activists tend to target “value” firms that have low valuations compared to ...activist hedge funds are more likely to target firms that have sound operating cash flows, but low ...


Institutional investors and hedge fund activism

Institutional investors and hedge fund activism

... shareholder activism dom- inated by large mutual funds and pension funds, to ...of hedge fund activism fascinates both industry and academia, and raises concerns about the nature and the ...


The role of derivatives in hedge fund activism.

The role of derivatives in hedge fund activism.

... intense hedge fund activism on target ...activist hedge fund acquired all or a portion of the target firm’s stake in a setting other than open market and when one of the following ...


Hedge fund activism, voice, and value creation

Hedge fund activism, voice, and value creation

... U.S. hedge funds and 1031 activist events over the period 2005-2013, which records both the Schedule 13D filing date and the voicing date, and explore the role of voicing in value ...for hedge fund ...


Blockholder disclosure thresholds and hedge fund activism

Blockholder disclosure thresholds and hedge fund activism

... for hedge fund activism, which in equilibrium are jointly determined with real investment and managerial ...of activism on management, but incur costs trading with activists who know their own ...


Hedge Fund Activism and Bank Loan Contracting

Hedge Fund Activism and Bank Loan Contracting

... of hedge fund activism events against firms in the same two-digit SIC industry in the previous year as an instrumental ...of activism activities, and should be related to the probability of a ...


Returns to hedge fund activism: an international study

Returns to hedge fund activism: an international study

... 4. Conclusion Our paper provides large-sample evidence about the incidence and performance of international hedge fund activism. The average share stake held by activists is 11% across countries. As ...


Hedge Fund Activism in the Enforcement of Bondholder Rights

Hedge Fund Activism in the Enforcement of Bondholder Rights

... activist hedge funds obtained benefits, other bond- holders were offered the chance to obtain the same pro rata benefits as the ...when hedge funds negotiated the terms of the ex- change offer in Spectrum ...


The Long Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism

The Long Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism

... VI. I NCREASED V ULNERABILITY TO E CONOMIC S HOCKS ? When discussing the results presented thus far with lawyers and investment bankers that counsel boards, some have suggested that, even if activist interventions ...


Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance

Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance

... of hedge fund activism in the ...activist hedge funds act both as value investors and shareholder ...However, hedge funds seldom seek control of target ...to hedge fund ...


Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance

Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance

... to hedge fund activism, and the subsequent success of activists, challenges the premises of proposals requiring increased hedge fund ...of hedge funds and other private ...


Hedge Fund Activism in Technology and Life Science Companies

Hedge Fund Activism in Technology and Life Science Companies

... Hedge fund activism typically entails hedge funds taking a minority position, frequently between five and 10 percent, in undervalued companies and then pressuring them to take action in order ...


Voice and Action: Sell-Side Analysis and Hedge Fund Activism

Voice and Action: Sell-Side Analysis and Hedge Fund Activism

... of hedge fund activism. We acknowledge that hedge funds also have buy-side analysts who issue research reports and provide ...generating activism ideas for the following three ...(mean) ...


Against All Odds: Hedge Fund Activism in Controlled Companies

Against All Odds: Hedge Fund Activism in Controlled Companies

... when hedge fund activism gained steam, were less likely to voluntarily adopt such an arrangement and subject themselves to the disciplinary power of activist ...


Market Reactions to Hedge Fund Activism in Europe - An Empirical Study

Market Reactions to Hedge Fund Activism in Europe - An Empirical Study

... investigating hedge fund activism have primarily been conducted on American activism (Brav et ...of hedge fund activists in firms generate short-term abnormal ...activist ...


Corporate Governance and the New Hedge Fund Activism:  An Empirical Analysis

Corporate Governance and the New Hedge Fund Activism: An Empirical Analysis

... for hedge fund ...enabled hedge funds to engage in “wolf pack” tactics against companies undeterred by a fear of somehow magically becoming a group merely because they hunt together and seek the same ...


Hedge Fund Activism and ESG: Examining the Role of Activist Hedge Funds as Protagonists in Capital Markets

Hedge Fund Activism and ESG: Examining the Role of Activist Hedge Funds as Protagonists in Capital Markets

... on hedge fund ...and hedge fund activism: activism will and should promote ESG-issues as long as they are value ...activist hedge funds may be more inclined to nominate a ...


Recent advances in research on hedge fund activism: Value creation and identification

Recent advances in research on hedge fund activism: Value creation and identification

... of hedge fund activism frequently note that some activists reduce firm resources by stripping the firm of assets via cash payouts and asset sales, and they point to this tactic as particularly ...


Hedge Fund Activism Coming to Europe:  Lessons from the American Experience

Hedge Fund Activism Coming to Europe: Lessons from the American Experience

... of hedge fund activism is still in its early ...concerning activism in Europe, see Bebchuk et ...al., Hedge Fund Activism in Europe, supra note 81; Becht et ...Shareholder ...


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