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Overlapping generations model

The effects of population aging on optimal redistributive taxes in an overlapping generations model

The effects of population aging on optimal redistributive taxes in an overlapping generations model

... This article addresses the effects of population aging on optimal distortionary income taxes using a model that embeds the Mirrlees (1971) personal income tax framework into an overlapping ...


Asset Bubbles in an Overlapping Generations Model with Endogenous Labor Supply

Asset Bubbles in an Overlapping Generations Model with Endogenous Labor Supply

... This paper examines the e¤ects of asset bubbles in an overlapping generations model with en- dogenous labor supply. We derive a set of conditions under which asset bubbles will lead to an expansion ...


Indeterminacy, bifurcations and chaos in an overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities

Indeterminacy, bifurcations and chaos in an overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities

... Indeterminacy, bifurcations and chaos in an overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities Antoci, Angelo and Sodini, Mauro University of Sassari, University of [r] ...


Local Determinacy of Prices in an Overlapping Generations Model with Continuous Trading

Local Determinacy of Prices in an Overlapping Generations Model with Continuous Trading

... the model may arti fi cially produce ...discrete-time model that is para- meterized by the frequency of exchanges and that converges to a model with a continuum of ...the model, whose dimension ...


Strategic interactions and heterogeneity in a overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities

Strategic interactions and heterogeneity in a overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities

... Strategic interactions and heterogeneity in a overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities Antoci, Angelo and Naimzada, Ahmad and Sodini, Mauro University of S[r] ...


Learning and Equilibrium Selection in a Monetary Overlapping Generations Model with Sticky Prices

Learning and Equilibrium Selection in a Monetary Overlapping Generations Model with Sticky Prices

... monetary overlapping generations model with sticky prices and monopolistic competition for the case where learning agents observe current endogenous ...the model set up but generates multiple ...


An Overlapping Generations Model of Firm Heterogeneity in Economic Development

An Overlapping Generations Model of Firm Heterogeneity in Economic Development

... one-period model with constant returns in agriculture and increasing returns in manufacturing, an increase in population will increase the size of the market and thus the wage ...this ...


Maximum sustainable government debt in the overlapping generations model

Maximum sustainable government debt in the overlapping generations model

... of model is most appropriate for our investigation? The standard "Ramsey" model based on an infinitely-lived representative agent is not useful, because Ricardian Equivalence holds in such an ...


Fertility and PAYG Pensions in an Overlapping Generations Model with Endogenous Retirement

Fertility and PAYG Pensions in an Overlapping Generations Model with Endogenous Retirement

... This paper develops an overlapping generations model with endogenous retirement to examine the effect of fertility on long-run pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pensions. We find that pensions may not necessarily ...


Fertility and PAYG pensions in the overlapping generations model

Fertility and PAYG pensions in the overlapping generations model

... This paper deals with an important policy debate: the best way to redesign government pension programmes when fertility declines. For doing this, we use the Diamond overlapping generations model ...


Macroeconomic Impact of Population Aging in Japan: A Perspective from an Overlapping Generations Model

Macroeconomic Impact of Population Aging in Japan: A Perspective from an Overlapping Generations Model

... full-‡edged overlapping generations model. Our model replicates well the time paths of Japan’s macroeconomic variables from the 1980s to the 2000s and yields future paths for these variables ...


Longevity and companionship in an overlapping generations model

Longevity and companionship in an overlapping generations model

... an overlapping-generations model and show that it can justify spending more resources on extending lives than the individuals themselves would have chosen to ...


Child Benefits and Welfare for Current and Future Generations: Simulation Analyses in an Overlapping-Generations Model With Endogenous Fertility

Child Benefits and Welfare for Current and Future Generations: Simulation Analyses in an Overlapping-Generations Model With Endogenous Fertility

... OLG model with exogenous fertility; research on the justification of capital taxation, assuming the OLG model with endogenous fertility, remains ...OLG model with endogenous ...OLG model with ...


Optimality of the Friedman Rule in Overlapping Generations Model with Spatial Separation

Optimality of the Friedman Rule in Overlapping Generations Model with Spatial Separation

... the initial old. However, with bequests it is possible to offset this exactly. Call the allocation thus obtained the alternative allocation. Now compare the welfare provided to each generation by the initial and the ...


A note on nonlinear taxation in an overlapping generations model

A note on nonlinear taxation in an overlapping generations model

... dynamic model of the economy, if only because the saving decision is in- ...standard model of personal income taxation, in the Mirrlees (1971) tradition, into an overlap- ping generations ...


Conspicuous Consumption and Overlapping Generations

Conspicuous Consumption and Overlapping Generations

... an overlapping generations model in which individual utility depends on a weighted av- erage of consumption of ones peers — a “keeping up with the Joneses” consumption ...


Union Influence on Wage and Change in Employment Rate in an Overlapping Generations Economy

Union Influence on Wage and Change in Employment Rate in an Overlapping Generations Economy

... The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sets up the overlapping generations model with unemployment. Section 3 discusses the property of the equilibrium. Section 4 investigates the ...


Saddles, Indeterminacy and Bifurcations in an Overlapping Generations Economy with a Renewable Resource

Saddles, Indeterminacy and Bifurcations in an Overlapping Generations Economy with a Renewable Resource

... We construct a general equilibrium overlapping generations model where agents live two periods and there is no population growth. The young are endowed with one unit of labor and earn a competitive ...


Equilibrium price dynamics in an overlapping generations exchange economy

Equilibrium price dynamics in an overlapping generations exchange economy

... McKendrick model of population dynamics that will be used along this ...the overlapping generations model in continuous time, and we arrive at a double integral equation describing the ...


Consumption Externalities and Capital Accumulation in an Overlapping Generations Economy

Consumption Externalities and Capital Accumulation in an Overlapping Generations Economy

... standard overlapping generations model of capital accumulation by introducing consumption ...simple model with a logarithmic utility function, the presence of con- sumption externalities may ...


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