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vulnerability to poverty

Comparing Vulnerability to Poverty: A Case Study in the Northern Region of Malaysia

Comparing Vulnerability to Poverty: A Case Study in the Northern Region of Malaysia

... of vulnerability to ...assed vulnerability to poverty using cross sectional data, this study went one step forward by assessing vulnerability using longitudinal data collected from paddy, ...


Determinants of rural households’ vulnerability to poverty in Chencha and Abaya Districts, Southern Ethiopia

Determinants of rural households’ vulnerability to poverty in Chencha and Abaya Districts, Southern Ethiopia

... households’ vulnerability to poverty and to profile the households according to their level of vulnerability using Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) and Logistic Regression analysis with the ...


Does Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technologies Reduce Household Vulnerability to Poverty?

Does Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technologies Reduce Household Vulnerability to Poverty?

... Adaptation to current or expected climate variability involves adjustment in natural and human systems in response to actual or expected climate stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial ...


Does Microcredit Reduce Household Vulnerability to Poverty? Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh

Does Microcredit Reduce Household Vulnerability to Poverty? Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh

... on poverty reduction (Hulme & Mosley, 1996; Zeller & Meyer, 2003; Amin, Rai, & Topa, ...measure poverty the traditional way by looking at household observed expenditures or consumption levels, ...


Seasonal bias in household vulnerability to poverty stimates: insights from a natural experiment

Seasonal bias in household vulnerability to poverty stimates: insights from a natural experiment

... The study is relevant because most of the researchers that have estimated vulnerability to poverty have used survey data in which consumption expenditure has been used as a welfare indicator. However, ...


Estimating household vulnerability to poverty from cross section data: an empirical evidence from Ghana

Estimating household vulnerability to poverty from cross section data: an empirical evidence from Ghana

... in vulnerability to ...both poverty and vulnerability to ...reduce vulnerability to poverty, the significant impact of the primary education dummy on both expected mean and variance of ...


Vulnerability to poverty in Italy

Vulnerability to poverty in Italy

... meaning, poverty is a state that can be defined and measured only ...future poverty but who are in effect poor, from the chronically poor, ...of vulnerability, this kind of measurement would allow us ...


An Empirical Analysis of Vulnerability to Poverty in Nigeria: Do Household and Regional Characteristics Matter?

An Empirical Analysis of Vulnerability to Poverty in Nigeria: Do Household and Regional Characteristics Matter?

... investigates vulnerability to poverty in Nigeria using the revised General Household Post-harvest survey for Nigeria ...years, vulnerability significantly decreases as age range ...in ...


Chronic and transient poverty and vulnerability to poverty in the Philippines: Evidence using a simple spells approach

Chronic and transient poverty and vulnerability to poverty in the Philippines: Evidence using a simple spells approach

... well-being. Vulnerability to poverty involves exposure of a household and its family members to a high probability of poverty although the household may not be permanently poor all the ...This ...


Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty Using Long- Term Panel Data

Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty Using Long- Term Panel Data

... related, poverty and vulnerability are two different ...term poverty refers to a state at a (static) point in time usually measured ex post using household income or expenditure surveys, whereas ...


Does seasonal vulnerability to poverty matter? A case study from the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands in Nigeria

Does seasonal vulnerability to poverty matter? A case study from the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands in Nigeria

... measuring vulnerability (Chaudhuri et ...define vulnerability as expected poverty, the approach that has become most prominent probably due to its direct link with the traditional Foster-Greer- ...


Analysis of Household Poverty and Household Vulnerability to Poverty: The Role of Social Protection Measures in Reducing Household Poverty and Vulnerability in Katakwi District-Uganda

Analysis of Household Poverty and Household Vulnerability to Poverty: The Role of Social Protection Measures in Reducing Household Poverty and Vulnerability in Katakwi District-Uganda

... household poverty and household vulnerability to poverty extends the idea of poverty to include idiosyncratic as well as aggregate shocks and risks which can be defined as the probability of ...


Health and vulnerability to poverty in Ghana: evidence from the Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 5

Health and vulnerability to poverty in Ghana: evidence from the Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 5

... to poverty) and to examine how health shocks relate to and affect vulnerabil- ity to poverty in ...first, vulnerability to poverty does not vary with household ...affect vulnerability ...


Consumption insurance and vulnerability to poverty : a synthesis of the evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali, Mexico and Russia

Consumption insurance and vulnerability to poverty : a synthesis of the evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali, Mexico and Russia

... of vulnerability encountered recently in the ...of vulnerability commonly encountered in the literature is that of vulnerability to poverty, typically measured by the probability that the ...


Vulnerability to poverty: An empirical comparison of alternative measures

Vulnerability to poverty: An empirical comparison of alternative measures

... The summary statistics in Table 6 show how, on average, even if information is not as rich as in the other two countries, those households poor in 2004 were more vulnerable in 2002 than those non poor. According to the ...


Characterizing poverty and vulnerability in rural Haiti: a multilevel decomposition approach

Characterizing poverty and vulnerability in rural Haiti: a multilevel decomposition approach

... The nature of shocks and the way people cope with them (or get insured) are major matters of consideration when the focus for governments and agencies is to design policies and programs to alleviate vulnerability ...


Implications of Non-Farm Work to Vulnerability to Food Poverty-Recent Evidence From Northern Ghana

Implications of Non-Farm Work to Vulnerability to Food Poverty-Recent Evidence From Northern Ghana

... food poverty and future food poverty, i.e., vulnerability to food poverty, are independent from each ...food poverty and the extent of vulnerability to food poverty in the ...


Poverty and Vulnerability   An Interdisciplinary Approach

Poverty and Vulnerability An Interdisciplinary Approach

... of vulnerability to fall below the poverty line or to stay there for a longer period (Alwang et ...of vulnerability to poverty is given by Chaudhuri et ...define vulnerability, within ...


Energy vulnerability composite index in social housing, from a household energy poverty perspective

Energy vulnerability composite index in social housing, from a household energy poverty perspective

... Author Contributions: All the authors collaborated in the study and in the paper elaboration. In particular, Sabina Scarpellini is an expert in energy poverty in households and her contribution is specially ...


The unbanked and poverty: predicting area level socio economic vulnerability from M Money transactions

The unbanked and poverty: predicting area level socio economic vulnerability from M Money transactions

... such vulnerability lies at the heart of dealing with this problem; a relentless challenge for intergovernmental orga- nizations trying to design effective, targeted interventions to tackle the issue [1, ...


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