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Additive White Gaussian Noise

Robust Parametric Modeling of Speech in Additive White Gaussian Noise

Robust Parametric Modeling of Speech in Additive White Gaussian Noise

... in additive white Gaussian noise, a robust parametric modelling method was presented which combined an appropriate noise variance estimator with an efficient iterative ...The ...


The Estimation of Radial Exponential Random Vectors in Additive White Gaussian Noise

The Estimation of Radial Exponential Random Vectors in Additive White Gaussian Noise

... Received April 22, 2009; revised June 15, 2009; accepted June 22, 2009 Abstract Image signals are always disturbed by noise during their transmission, such as in mobile or network commu- nication. The received ...


Noise Standard Deviation Estimation for Additive White Gaussian Noise Corrupted Images using SVD Domain

Noise Standard Deviation Estimation for Additive White Gaussian Noise Corrupted Images using SVD Domain

... the noise standard deviation. Noise occurs when scanning the drawn image for making the cartoon ...the noise to the extent of the problem and it helps cartoon related noise ...of noise ...


Simulation and Evaluation of Shrinkage Techniques for Image De-noising under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)

Simulation and Evaluation of Shrinkage Techniques for Image De-noising under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)

... of noise using an appropriate shrinkage threshold and at the end all treated channels recombined to get denoised ...under Additive White Gaussian ...




... mitigate the effect of PAPR or rather somewhat reduce PAPR to certain mean value we used linear block codes. Linear Block Codes perform up to mark in case error detection and correction problems. If we can use this ...


Improved preclassification non local-means (IPNLM) for filtering of grayscale images degraded with additive white Gaussian noise

Improved preclassification non local-means (IPNLM) for filtering of grayscale images degraded with additive white Gaussian noise

... Isabel V Hernández-Gutiérrez * , Francisco J Gallegos-Funes and Alberto J Rosales-Silva Abstract In this paper, we develop an extensive research on different types of grayscale images applying standard non local ...


The Performance of Fast Frequency Hopping System in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)

The Performance of Fast Frequency Hopping System in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)

... the noise is introduced, now the signal is distorted by the unwanted or undesirable signals which are random and ...unpredictable..External noise are generated by channels which are nearby like faults in ...


Cyclic Channel Coding Algorithm For Original And Received Voice Signal At 8 Khz Using Ber Performance Through Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel

Cyclic Channel Coding Algorithm For Original And Received Voice Signal At 8 Khz Using Ber Performance Through Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel

... [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Digital communication systems are becoming increasingly attractive because of the ever-growing demand for data communication and because digital transmission ...


Restoration of Astrophysical Images—The Case of Poisson Data with Additive Gaussian Noise

Restoration of Astrophysical Images—The Case of Poisson Data with Additive Gaussian Noise

... Poissonian noise due to low light intensity, then, a Gaussian white noise is added during the electronic read-out ...the noise process is, instabilities due to noise ...


Types of noise (1) Gaussian Noise:-Additive noise is one of the most common problems in image processing. Even a high

Types of noise (1) Gaussian Noise:-Additive noise is one of the most common problems in image processing. Even a high

... the noise from the image is the critical issue. Gaussian noise (White noise) Salt & Pepper noise and Speckle noise are the types of noises which are generally found in ...


Temporal variation for fractional heat equations with additive white noise

Temporal variation for fractional heat equations with additive white noise

... 14. Zambotti, L: Itô-Tanaka’s formula for stochastic partial differential equations driven by additive space-time white noise. In: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications - VII. ...


Estimation of Spectral Exponent Parameter of Process in Additive White Background Noise

Estimation of Spectral Exponent Parameter of Process in Additive White Background Noise

... The performance of this approach is examined by simu- lations in the next section below. 3. SIMULATION RESULTS In this section, the performance of the proposed technique is examined on synthetic data. The data set is ...


Polarizabilities of Impurity Doped Quantum Dots under Pulsed Field: Role of Additive White Noise

Polarizabilities of Impurity Doped Quantum Dots under Pulsed Field: Role of Additive White Noise

... of additive white noise has also been ...of noise prominently enhances the influence of dopant coordinate on the polarizability profiles, par- ticularly for α and γ ...of noise-driven ...


A maxiset approach of a Gaussian white noise model

A maxiset approach of a Gaussian white noise model

... L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destin´ee au d´epˆot et `a la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publi´es ou non, ´emanant des ´etablissements d’ense[r] ...


Characteristic Analysis of White Gaussian Noise in S Transformation Domain

Characteristic Analysis of White Gaussian Noise in S Transformation Domain

... ABSTRACT The characteristic property of white Gaussian noise (WGN) is derived in S-transformation domain. The results show that the distribution of normalized S-spectrum of WGN follows χ 2 ...


Adaptive Bernstein-von Mises theorems in Gaussian white noise

Adaptive Bernstein-von Mises theorems in Gaussian white noise

... the prior can lead to suboptimal performance (see, e.g., [ 27 ]). It therefore makes sense to use an automatic procedure, unless a practitioner is particularly confident that their prior correctly captures the fine ...


Digital Communications in Additive White Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise

Digital Communications in Additive White Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise

... Though error performance may be enhanced using a discretized linear passband-to-baseband conversion block, further analysis reveals that this is a lossy sub-optimal process in non-Gaussi[r] ...


Some Applications of Higher Moments of the Linear Gaussian White Noise Process

Some Applications of Higher Moments of the Linear Gaussian White Noise Process

... d t t Y = X d =  is also iid but not normally distributed. Using the variances and kurtosis of Y t = X t d , we were able to establish that the optimal value of d is three. Variances and kurtosis of Y t = X t d have ...


TAR modeling with missing data when the white noise process is not Gaussian

TAR modeling with missing data when the white noise process is not Gaussian

... the noise process is Gaussian, Nieto (2005) developed a Bayesian procedure in order to identify the number of regimes and estimate the other parameters once the thresholds are identified, using NAIC ...


Convexity Properties of Detection Probability Under Additive Gaussian Noise: Optimal Signaling and Jamming Strategies

Convexity Properties of Detection Probability Under Additive Gaussian Noise: Optimal Signaling and Jamming Strategies

... with two-thirds of on-power time fraction. V. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK In this correspondence, we have examined the convexity properties of the detection probability for the problem of determining the pres- ence of ...


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