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carbon dioxide Emission

Effect of natural resources extraction on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in Ghana

Effect of natural resources extraction on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in Ghana

... of carbon dioxide emission and energy consumption to help tackle environmental issues, not much has been done to estimate the effect of natural resources extraction on these two ...rising ...


Solving the Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimation Problem: An Artificial Neural Network Model

Solving the Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimation Problem: An Artificial Neural Network Model

... sion [5,6]. For all that there is a need to develop a non linear model that estimates the carbon dioxide emission. In this paper we used the artificial neural network as a powerful, capable tool in ...


Carbon dioxide emission from Katanuma volcanic lake, Japan

Carbon dioxide emission from Katanuma volcanic lake, Japan

... Baubron, J. C., P. Allard, and J. P. Toutain, Diffuse volcanic emissions of carbon dioxide from Vulcano Island, (Italy), Nature, 344, 51–53, 1990. Carapezza, M. L., S. Inguaggiato, L. Brusca, and M. Longo, ...




... Results indicate that, the highest values of "AN" and "SOM" were recorded with compost tea + EM, while, the lowest values were obtained with chemical treatment. Chemical treatment increased soil pH more ...


Forecast Global Carbon Dioxide Emission using Swarm Intelligence

Forecast Global Carbon Dioxide Emission using Swarm Intelligence

... Fossil energy resources remain abundant but contain significant amounts of carbon that are normally released during combustion. The proven and probable reserves of oil and gas are enough to last for decades and in ...


A Review on Various Mixes of Concrete with Material as Partial Replacement of Sand

A Review on Various Mixes of Concrete with Material as Partial Replacement of Sand

... gas emission (carbon dioxide emission from cement industry, as one ton of cement manufacturing process emits one ton of carbon dioxide), secondly to reduce the use of natural ...


Implementation of Energy Storage in a Future Smart Grid

Implementation of Energy Storage in a Future Smart Grid

... of carbon dioxide emission, mitigation of inherent characteristic of renewable energy along with increasing demands of high power quality and reliability, demands for the deployment and ...


The impact of renewable energy, economic growth and FDI on carbon emissions: An evidence of 15 African countries using panel cointegration regression models

The impact of renewable energy, economic growth and FDI on carbon emissions: An evidence of 15 African countries using panel cointegration regression models

... among carbon dioxide emission, renewable energy consumption and foreign direct investments for a panel of 15 African countries for the period 2000 – ...to carbon dioxide emission ...


The IPTS Report No  16, July 1997

The IPTS Report No. 16, July 1997

... No 16 July 1997 The IPTS Report Keywords Carbon dioxide removal, sustainable energy supply, carbon dioxide emission reduction, carbon dioxide storage, climate change Ref€rences ' Herzog,[r] ...


Industrial development, agricultural growth, urbanization and environmental Kuznets curve in Pakistan

Industrial development, agricultural growth, urbanization and environmental Kuznets curve in Pakistan

... on Carbon Dioxide emission, economic growth, consumption of energy, openness for foreign trade, urbanization, industrial growth and agriculture growth on Pakistan is used for 1971 to ...causes ...


Control of carbon dioxide and other emissions from diesel operated engines using activated charcoal

Control of carbon dioxide and other emissions from diesel operated engines using activated charcoal

... of carbon dioxide by this natural process tend to ...adding carbon dioxide and other heat trapping gases to ...of carbon dioxide, emission of this gas can be controlled by ...


Moisture Resistant Pavements by using Zycotherm

Moisture Resistant Pavements by using Zycotherm

... reduces carbon dioxide emission by 30%, and reduces dust emission by 50-60% compared to hot mix asphalt ...to emission and fumes is very because of WMA production temperature which ...


Revisiting the Economic Growth-Welfare Linkages: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria

Revisiting the Economic Growth-Welfare Linkages: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria

... consumption, carbon dioxide emission and natural resource depletion is an indication that growth- welfare relationship should be given priority in order to meet the growth needs of the present and ...


Experimental Analysis of Diesel and Bio Diesel Blending and Suggest the Optimum Solution

Experimental Analysis of Diesel and Bio Diesel Blending and Suggest the Optimum Solution

... on carbon dioxide emission is shown for all the different diesel biodiesel ...increase carbon dioxide emission was considerably increased foe all the ...the carbon ...


Performance and Emission Characteristics of Chlorella Algae Methyl Ester Fuelled Diesel Engine with Varying Injection Pressure

Performance and Emission Characteristics of Chlorella Algae Methyl Ester Fuelled Diesel Engine with Varying Injection Pressure

... their emission characteristics at 180 bar, 200 bar and 220 bar injection pressures for Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ), Oxygen (O 2 ), Hydrocarbons (HC) and ...


A Unique Cement from Athens

A Unique Cement from Athens

... The lime and carbon dioxide, on the other hand, were present in considerable amount: 36.5 percent calcium oxide and 32.6 percent carbon dioxide.. The carbon dioxide is present [r] ...


Proof of bacteria and the activity of chemical and natural antibiotics by headspace gas chromatography

Proof of bacteria and the activity of chemical and natural antibiotics by headspace gas chromatography

... The use of antibiotics in food-producing animals causes the growing concern of antibiotic resistance since antibiotic-resistant bacteria may be transmitted to humans through the food supply. Food from super- markets is ...


Climate change and economic growth: issues challenges and mitigation

Climate change and economic growth: issues challenges and mitigation

... In reality, many other types of economic and regulatory policies are being used for mitigation, which differ in their stringency and marginal costs, and have overlaps and interactions. Sorrell and Sijm (2003), bring to ...


Fair Plan 8: Earth’s Climate Future—Pope Francis’ Population Mistake

Fair Plan 8: Earth’s Climate Future—Pope Francis’ Population Mistake

... [5] Nakicenovic, N., Alcamo, J., Davis, G., de Vries, B., Fenhann, J., Gaffin, S., Gregory, K., Grübler, A., Jung, T.Y., Kram, T., La Rovere, E.L., Michaelis, L., Mori, S., Morita, T., Pepper, W., Pitcher, H., Price, L., ...


Plume-based analysis of vehicle fleet air pollutant emissions and the contribution from high emitters

Plume-based analysis of vehicle fleet air pollutant emissions and the contribution from high emitters

... To date, many approaches have been employed to quantify vehicle emissions. Emissions models (e.g., MOVES, MO- BILE, EMFAC) are necessary to produce national invento- ries for vehicle emissions (EC, 2008; USEPA, 2013), ...


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