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exchange rates

Exchange rates. Exchange rates

Exchange rates. Exchange rates

... any exchange rate ...an exchange rate today to buy or sell currency at a date in the ...the exchange rate changes value. Has the uncertainty of flexible exchange rates decreased ...


The quanto theory of exchange rates

The quanto theory of exchange rates

... There are two important caveats. First, the available futures only provide informa- tion about a single currency-pair, dollar-yen. One of the strengths of the quanto data used in this paper lies in the cross-sectional ...


Recurrence Plots of Exchange Rates of Currencies

Recurrence Plots of Exchange Rates of Currencies

... Recently, we have discussed the use of recurrence plots in a paper where we studied and compared the oscillations of the levels of some lakes in Africa [7]. As shown in the given reference, the recurrence plots help ...


Money, interest rates, and exchange rates with endogenously segmented markets

Money, interest rates, and exchange rates with endogenously segmented markets

... We differ from Lucas in terms of both the trading friction used and the results obtained. He assumes that the coalition must divide its cash each period into one portion to be used to purchase goods and another portion ...


Causality and cointegration of exchange rates and interest rates Bank of Indonesia

Causality and cointegration of exchange rates and interest rates Bank of Indonesia

... between exchange rate of rupiah to US dollar with interest rate of bank ...interest rates of Indonesian banks, indirectly can raise and / or lower the exchange rate, but with this research and study ...


Nexus between Stock Exchange Index and Exchange Rates

Nexus between Stock Exchange Index and Exchange Rates

... stock exchange index and exchange ...Stock Exchange General Index and the BDT/USD Exchange Rates data from December 02, 2012 to April 30, 2012 are used for the study ...BDT/USD ...


Forecasting disconnected exchange rates

Forecasting disconnected exchange rates

... the exchange rate models appear to be more stable, although still subject to changes in ...the exchange rate, the term is generally not precisely defined, 25 and it is not clear just how unstable we should ...


Financial Globalisation and Exchange Rates

Financial Globalisation and Exchange Rates

... of exchange rate movements on rates of return is ...of exchange rate movements on the value of holdings that carry a variable market return depends on the nature of the co-movements between ...


Rare Disasters and Exchange Rates

Rare Disasters and Exchange Rates

... of exchange rates, which yields a theory of the forward premium ...depreciated exchange rate and a high interest ...their exchange rate ...forecast exchange rate ...the exchange ...


Exchange Rates and Liquidity Risk

Exchange Rates and Liquidity Risk

... foreign exchange (FX) market to examine whether risks associated the di ff erent liquidity measures contribute to the dynamics of 17 spot exchange rates through their time-varying contributions to ...


Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates

Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates

... Determination of exchange rates was once fairly simple. During the years of the Bretton Woods System (a system put in place in 1944 when the leaders of allied nations met at Bretton Woods, NH to set up a ...


Essays On Foreign Exchange Rates

Essays On Foreign Exchange Rates

... Exchange rates are puzzling in many aspects. First, exchange rates are disconnected from economic fundamentals, especially relative consumption growth rate, which is in sharp contrast to ...


Exchange rates and import prices in Switzerland

Exchange rates and import prices in Switzerland

... bilateral exchange rates can only partly account for the changes in the terms of trade, as production and distribution processes are more and more globally ...bilateral exchange rates result ...


International Business Cycles and Exchange Rates

International Business Cycles and Exchange Rates

... of exchange rate vari- ability has improved the performance of the model, as we see by running a simulation without these exchange rate movements (lower parts of Tables ...the exchange rates ...


GDPG and Its Affect on the Exchange Rates

GDPG and Its Affect on the Exchange Rates

... Compared to its GDP ranking, Italy fares better in the league table for stock of household wealth. According to the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) of the United Nations University in Helsinki, ...


Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Exchange Rates

Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Exchange Rates

... tax rates and also bring in new taxes such as service tax and ...the exchange rates ...interest rates (IR), inflation rates (IFR) and a host of economic variables of home and host ...


Exchange rates and monetary policy uncertainty

Exchange rates and monetary policy uncertainty

... We then test whether announcements by the Federal Reserve exert a unique impact on exchange rates, or whether similar patterns can be observed for other central bank announcements. For instance, anecdotal ...


Exchange Rates Predictability in Developing Countries

Exchange Rates Predictability in Developing Countries

... of exchange rates and economic fundamentals do find encouraging ...in exchange rate dynamics at the one: and two: year ...of exchange rate from its long run equilibrium ...


Order flows, fundamentals and exchange rates

Order flows, fundamentals and exchange rates

... that exchange rates do not react much to news announcements and the microstructure parallel of this is that order flows do not seem to react much either (or at least does so in an inconsistent ...


The Eurozone’s Equilibrium Real Exchange Rates

The Eurozone’s Equilibrium Real Exchange Rates

... real exchange rates in the several indi- vidual Eurozone countries and to estimate their “equilib- rium” ...real exchange rates ...real exchange rate dynamics during the common currency ...


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