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Red Blood Cell

To correlate maternal and cord blood nucleated red blood cell counts with perinatal outcome in Normotensive and pre eclamptic women

To correlate maternal and cord blood nucleated red blood cell counts with perinatal outcome in Normotensive and pre eclamptic women

... Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC) may result NRBC count in umbilical venous blood of neonates has been reported as a NRBC /100 WBC count with perinatal outcome in trolled study performed on 120 ...


Red Blood Cell Exchange in children with Sickle Cell Disease in French Guiana Authors: Narcisse ELENGA 1, 2 MD, PhD, Vincent VANTILCKE1 MD, Elise MARTIN 2MD,

Red Blood Cell Exchange in children with Sickle Cell Disease in French Guiana Authors: Narcisse ELENGA 1, 2 MD, PhD, Vincent VANTILCKE1 MD, Elise MARTIN 2MD,

... Red blood cell (RBC) transfusions are often used to treat acute complications of ...the blood volume and viscosity, in addition to decreasing the risk of iron overload [8 ...A red ...


Oral manifestations of red blood cell disorders: a recent anatomization

Oral manifestations of red blood cell disorders: a recent anatomization

... a blood cell can be any type of cell normally found in blood which falls into four categories which are red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), ...


Red Blood Cell Identification Using Watershed Technique

Red Blood Cell Identification Using Watershed Technique

... The red blood is a blood that functioned as carry oxygen throughout our body ...normal red blood cell in our body is divided into four categories of ages, which are newborn, ...


A two component red blood cell model for single cell mechanic

A two component red blood cell model for single cell mechanic

... This work presents the deformation of red blood cell (RBC) as it travels in a microchannel using a theoretical model. The developed model predicts the deformation experienced by the RBC when exposed ...


Original Article Red blood cell distribution width intimately correlated with clinical recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation

Original Article Red blood cell distribution width intimately correlated with clinical recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation

... Purpose: Red blood cell distribution width was demonstrated to be relevant to the incidence of atrial fibril- lation in general population and new-onset patients who underwent coronary artery bypass ...


A two component red blood cell model for single cell 

A two component red blood cell model for single cell mechanic

... This work presents the deformation of red blood cell (RBC) as it travels in a microchannel using a theoretical model. The developed model predicts the deformation experienced by the RBC when exposed ...


Dynamic Response of a Red Blood Cell in Shear Flow

Dynamic Response of a Red Blood Cell in Shear Flow

... a red blood cell under shear flow which were reported experimentally by Abkarian et ...a red blood cell under different shear ...


The bloody mess of red blood cell transfusion

The bloody mess of red blood cell transfusion

... Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion might be life-saving in settings with acute blood loss, especially uncontrolled haemorrhagic ...Patient blood management concepts including ...


Computer aided system for red blood cell classification in blood smear image

Computer aided system for red blood cell classification in blood smear image

... in red blood (RBC) and white blood (WBC) cells of human that provides valuable information to ...pathologists. Red blood cell composition reveals important diagnostic to diagnose ...


Red blood cell transfusion in the critically ill patient

Red blood cell transfusion in the critically ill patient

... Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is a common intervention in intensive care unit (ICU) ...Although blood transfusions are generally given to improve tissue oxygenation, they do not ...


Diabetes and red blood cell parameters

Diabetes and red blood cell parameters

... of red blood cell volume ÷ mean cell volume) x100 The normal range for the RDW-CV is ...of red blood cell could be decreased in diabetes ...


Evaluation of Blood Storage Lesions in Leuko-depleted Red Blood Cell Units

Evaluation of Blood Storage Lesions in Leuko-depleted Red Blood Cell Units

... stored red blood cell and transfusions of RBC containing increased levels of potassium have been associated with myocardial hyperkalemia and neonatal arrhythmia ...


Anemia and red blood cell transfusion in neurocritical care

Anemia and red blood cell transfusion in neurocritical care

... Apart from the increased flow produced by higher CPP and lower blood viscosity, anemia also induces cerebral vasodila- tation [46-48]. When Hb (and therefore C a O 2 ) falls, there appears to be a disproportionate ...


Image segmentation techniques for red blood cell : on overview

Image segmentation techniques for red blood cell : on overview

... the blood cells ...the cell and ...with blood cell image which has weak boundary and non-circle cells’ shape ...for blood cell ...clump cell: Overlapping and clumped ...


Red Blood Cell Antigens in Some Lower Vertebrates

Red Blood Cell Antigens in Some Lower Vertebrates

... Cushing & Sprague 1952 found an antigen, similar to the human B antigen in the fish Genyonemus lineatus, but not in Cymatogaster aggregata, which may however possess the Forssman antigen[r] ...


Characterization of red blood cell metabolism in rainbow trout

Characterization of red blood cell metabolism in rainbow trout

... Profile of oxidative metabolism and metabolites in blood obtained from resting catheterized rainbow trout Total oxygen consumption rate 1.43±0.07 ^mol g~' cell wet mass h~l 20* CO2 produ[r] ...


Investigation of CdCl₂ Influence on Red Blood Cell Morphology

Investigation of CdCl₂ Influence on Red Blood Cell Morphology

... Wistar rat’s RBC were used for the experiment. Without any influence on RBC’s shape (method - [18]) was produced deposition from suspension on cover glasses, which were pretreated with 1% glutaraldehyde. Initial ...


Foetomaternal red blood cell alloimmunization : literature review

Foetomaternal red blood cell alloimmunization : literature review

... Feto-maternal red cell alloimmunization is defined by the presence in a pregnant woman of alloantibodies directed against blood group antigens present on the red blood cells of the ...


A mathematical description of PO4-transport in the red blood cell

A mathematical description of PO4-transport in the red blood cell

... We have shown that a simple mathematical model leads to unequivocal para- meters in terms of which the transport and the inhibition of transport of P across the [r] ...


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