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Environmental Efficiency

Environmental efficiency of energy, materials, and emissions

Environmental efficiency of energy, materials, and emissions

... the environmental efficiency of the order-m method, this study analyzes two additional ...firms’ environmental efficiency using a regression model as a second s ...address environmental ...


Does international trade improve environmental efficiency? An application of a super slacks-based measure of efficiency

Does international trade improve environmental efficiency? An application of a super slacks-based measure of efficiency

... To capture unobservable factors in the world economy, we introduce time dummies in the regression. The right four columns in Table 2 indicate estimation results with time dummies. The Hausman tests do not reject the null ...


Cost constrained measures of environmental efficiency: a material balance approach

Cost constrained measures of environmental efficiency: a material balance approach

... cost-environmental efficiency analysis based on the material balance principle (MBP) has an important short-coming, in that the measures of allocative efficiency it produces do not fully integrate ...


Measuring regional environmental efficiency: A directional distance function approach

Measuring regional environmental efficiency: A directional distance function approach

... low-environmental efficiency regions have high probability that have been generated by lower GDP per capita levels and high-environmental efficiency regions, by higher GDP per capita ...


Does the Kyoto Protocol Agreement matters? An environmental efficiency analysis

Does the Kyoto Protocol Agreement matters? An environmental efficiency analysis

... Furthermore, figure 2 provides a graphical representation of the effect of the number of years countries have signed the Kyoto protocol agreement (in order to take measures to limit emissions and promote adaptation to ...


Assessment of the operational and environmental efficiency of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

Assessment of the operational and environmental efficiency of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

... for environmental assessment to measure operational efficiency, environmental efficiency and unified ef- ficiency, under both operational and environmental efficiency ...


Does international trade improve environmental efficiency? An application of a super slacks based measurement of efficiency

Does international trade improve environmental efficiency? An application of a super slacks based measurement of efficiency

... measure environmental efficiency by using a hyperbolic index and investigate its determinants, regressing it on per-capita income, trade openness, trade composition, and share of polluting ...and ...


Environmental Efficiency Evaluation of Coastal Tourism Development in Taiwan

Environmental Efficiency Evaluation of Coastal Tourism Development in Taiwan

... of environmental efficiency what defined as the ratio relationship of the increasing value and the increasing environmental ...described environmental efficiency as “while progressively ...


Environmental efficiency analysis of listed cement enterprises in China

Environmental efficiency analysis of listed cement enterprises in China

... with environmental efficiency with larger firms being more efficient than smaller ...to environmental efficiency, suggesting higher profit rate is normally a compromise of energy ...take ...


Accounting for resource accumulation in Japanese prefectures: an environmental efficiency analysis

Accounting for resource accumulation in Japanese prefectures: an environmental efficiency analysis

... Comparing the results of the CEEI and DEEI in 1992, high-ranking prefectures in terms of the CEEI such as Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka construct a production possibility frontier based on the results of the DEEI (see Table  ...


Environmental efficiency indices: towards a new approach to green growth accounting

Environmental efficiency indices: towards a new approach to green growth accounting

... study environmental performances of the OECD countries from 1980 to ...by environmental policies ...of environmental efficiency to test for the existence of EKC within a standard regression ...


Environmental Efficiency and Regional Convergence Clusters in Japan: A Nonparametric Density Approach

Environmental Efficiency and Regional Convergence Clusters in Japan: A Nonparametric Density Approach

... in environmental efficiency (higher CEEI) are associated with relatively inefficient use of production inputs (lower ...their environmental perfor- mance (higher CEEI), they may also learn how to use ...


A conditional full frontier modelling for analyzing environmental efficiency and economic growth

A conditional full frontier modelling for analyzing environmental efficiency and economic growth

... of environmental efficiency indicators is that combines simultaneously in one metric economic growth and the different levels of pollutants in a environmental technology ...measuring ...


Towards a culture of environmental efficiency: An application of conditional partial nonparametric frontiers

Towards a culture of environmental efficiency: An application of conditional partial nonparametric frontiers

... the environmental behaviour, this study tries to establish a link between human behavior (in terms of cultural values) and the ...countries’ environmental efficiency ...calculated ...


Economic growth and environmental efficiency: Evidence from U S  regions

Economic growth and environmental efficiency: Evidence from U S regions

... Specifically, our paper extents the model originated by Kuosmanen (2005) measuring environmental efficiency. The modified version is based on conditional directional distance functions incorporating the ...


Spatial environmental efficiency indicators in regional waste generation: A nonparametric approach

Spatial environmental efficiency indicators in regional waste generation: A nonparametric approach

... Our study fulfills this gap by providing a typical radial DEA model in three different settings in order to model regional environmental efficiency. More analytically, relying on Seiford and Zhu (2002, ...


Frontier models for evaluating environmental efficiency: an overview

Frontier models for evaluating environmental efficiency: an overview

... of environmental performance from a productive efficiency perspective, Tyteca (1996) noted that environmental indicator approaches such as Life Cycle Analysis and Environmental Impact ...


Geography, environmental efficiency and Italian economic growth: a spatially adapted Environmental Kuznets Curve

Geography, environmental efficiency and Italian economic growth: a spatially adapted Environmental Kuznets Curve

... “environmental efficiency” at the firm level as the environmental regulations obliged single firms - belonging to the industries affected by the regulation itself - to respect certain standards ...


Regional environmental efficiency in waste generation

Regional environmental efficiency in waste generation

... above this one; therefore if there is a point where less input is consumed or more output is produced then the DMU is considered inefficient (Lozano et al., 2009). The DEA frontier can act as the production frontier, but ...


New evidence of environmental efficiency on the export performance

New evidence of environmental efficiency on the export performance

... environment-related efficiency leads to increased export performance, it is in industries’ as well as governments’ interest to think about how to actually increase energy ...energy efficiency in ...energy ...


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