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stochastic frontier production function (SFPF)

Application of Stochastic Frontier Production    Function to Separate the Effect of Random Variation in Output from    Inefficiency in the Agricultural Production of African CountriesAuthor(s): Kalu Ukpai  Ifegwu and Joshua Olusegun    Ajetomobi

Application of Stochastic Frontier Production Function to Separate the Effect of Random Variation in Output from Inefficiency in the Agricultural Production of African CountriesAuthor(s): Kalu Ukpai  Ifegwu and Joshua Olusegun Ajetomobi

... the stochastic frontier production function approach to separate the effect of random variation in output from inefficiency in the agricultural production of African ...each ...


Sea Port Operational Efficiency: An Evaluation of Five Asian Ports Using Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model

Sea Port Operational Efficiency: An Evaluation of Five Asian Ports Using Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model

... Some research has been done on the contribution of port ownership to efficiency. Transformation from public to private ownership is believed to improve sea-port op- erational efficiency even without change in level of ...


Relationship between plot size and technical efficiency of cassava farms in oyo state of nigeria: a stochastic frontier analysis

Relationship between plot size and technical efficiency of cassava farms in oyo state of nigeria: a stochastic frontier analysis

... the production frontier. The parameters of the stochastic frontier production function and the inefficiency model were estimated using the computer program Frontier ...


Profit Efficiency among Paddy Farmers: A Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis

Profit Efficiency among Paddy Farmers: A Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis

... The stochastic disturbance term ( ) consists of two independent elements: “v” and “u”. The symmetric two sided error term (v) account for random variation in profit attributed to factors outside the farmer’s ...


Profit Efficiency among Cotton Farmers: A Cobb-Douglass Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis

Profit Efficiency among Cotton Farmers: A Cobb-Douglass Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis

... on Stochastic Frontier Profit Function that assumed Cobb-Douglass specification form, a multiple regression model was estimated using a cross-sectional data obtained from a sample of 349 cotton ...


Production frontiers and efficiency measures : concepts and applications

Production frontiers and efficiency measures : concepts and applications

... e stochastic frontier production function in the statistical approach assumes th a t th e effects of technical inefficiency on input prod u ctiv ity (or elasticity) are th e sam e for each ...


Technical Efficiency of Maize Production in Fluoride Affected Locales, Tamil Nadu: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Technical Efficiency of Maize Production in Fluoride Affected Locales, Tamil Nadu: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

... maize production among fluoride affected and non affected locales of Tamil ...120. Stochastic frontier production function is used to estimate technical efficiency of ...of ...


Productivity and Resource Use Efficiency in Wheat: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach

Productivity and Resource Use Efficiency in Wheat: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach

... wheat production in the state of Bihar has been studied using stochastic frontier production function ...in production of wheat in the state was estimated to be 94 per cent, ...


A Metafrontier Production Function for Estimation of Technical Efficiencies of Wheat Farmers under Different Technologies

A Metafrontier Production Function for Estimation of Technical Efficiencies of Wheat Farmers under Different Technologies

... given production technology, which is assumed to be defined by a stochastic frontier production function model, are not comparable with those of farms operating under different ...a ...


Estimation of Resource Use Efficiency and Technical Efficiency of Small Onion Farmers in Tamil Nadu: A Cobb-Douglas and Stochastic Frontier Approach

Estimation of Resource Use Efficiency and Technical Efficiency of Small Onion Farmers in Tamil Nadu: A Cobb-Douglas and Stochastic Frontier Approach

... The stochastic frontier production function resulted that, the coefficients of inputs like bulb, plant protection chemicals, human labour and machine hours were significant at 1% respectively ...


Technical Efficiency of Small Holder Cocoyam Production in Anambra State,Nigeria: A Cobb Douglas Stochastic Frontier Production Approach

Technical Efficiency of Small Holder Cocoyam Production in Anambra State,Nigeria: A Cobb Douglas Stochastic Frontier Production Approach

... Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function to measure the level of technical efficiency and its determinants in small-holder cocoyam production in Anambra state, ...the ...


Technical Efficiency of Milk Producers in Cattle Corridor of Uganda: Kiboga District Case

Technical Efficiency of Milk Producers in Cattle Corridor of Uganda: Kiboga District Case

... Data Analysis Technical efficiency was analysed through estimation of the Stochastic Frontier Production function using the Cobb Douglas functional form was used to analyse the technical[r] ...


Explaining technical inefficiency and the variation in income from apple adoption in highland Ethiopia: The role of unequal endowments and knowledge asymmetries

Explaining technical inefficiency and the variation in income from apple adoption in highland Ethiopia: The role of unequal endowments and knowledge asymmetries

... the stochastic frontier production function for maize farmers in eastern Ethiopia, distinguishing between par- ticipants and non-participants in a project that pro- motes high-input maize ...


On measuring indebtedness of African countries: A stochastic frontier debt production function

On measuring indebtedness of African countries: A stochastic frontier debt production function

... a stochastic frontier production function approach and the technical efficiency computation procedure to develop an indebtedness index for 46 African ...


Impact of Economic Liberalization on Technical Efficiency of Firms: Evidence from India’s Electronics Industry

Impact of Economic Liberalization on Technical Efficiency of Firms: Evidence from India’s Electronics Industry

... In this study, we use a stochastic frontier production function along with an inefficiency model as specified by Battese and Coelli [39] in order to measure technical change, technical e[r] ...


Technical efficiency and supply chain practices in dairying: The case of India

  Technical efficiency and supply chain practices in dairying: The case of India

... countries. reardon and Barrett (2000), Sartorius and Kristen (2007), Demircan et al. (2010) and caberera et al. (2010) have found that small dairy farmers are gradually becoming less profitable and loosing their market ...


Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Tomato Production in Adamawa State, Nigeria

Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Tomato Production in Adamawa State, Nigeria

... the stochastic frontier production function and inefficiency model results are presented in Table 1 and ...the stochastic frontier production function indicates ...


Technical and economic efficiency of rice production in the Kou valley (Burkina Faso): Stochastic frontier approach

Technical and economic efficiency of rice production in the Kou valley (Burkina Faso): Stochastic frontier approach

... to stochastic frontier production function, the results showed that the coefficient of variables as farm size, quantity of fertilizer used, years of experience and literacy are significant, ...


Analysis of technical efficiency of rice production in fogera district of Ethiopia: A stochastic frontier approach

Analysis of technical efficiency of rice production in fogera district of Ethiopia: A stochastic frontier approach

... improve production and productivity with a given input mix and available technology is to improve efficiency of resource ...the production process is very ...rice production in Fogera District of ...


Efficacy of a numerical value of a fixed effect estimator in stochastic frontier analysis as an indicator of hospital production structure

Efficacy of a numerical value of a fixed effect estimator in stochastic frontier analysis as an indicator of hospital production structure

... specific function of each hospital in the community care ...tertiary function with teaching and research ...the production output, regardless of hospital ...larger production, regardless of ...


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