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Missing Data

Dealing with missing data

Dealing with missing data

... Missing data plagues almost all surveys, and quite a number of designed ...with missing data, once it has been deemed impossible to recover the actual missing ...


Analyzing Missing Data in Metric Spaces

Analyzing Missing Data in Metric Spaces

... of data, missingness can be legitimate or ...of data where there is no suitable value for the missing data; illegitimate missingness refers to the absence of data despite being able to ...


Missing Data due to Record Linkage of Register and Survey Information. An Empirical Comparison of Selected Missing Data Techniques

Missing Data due to Record Linkage of Register and Survey Information. An Empirical Comparison of Selected Missing Data Techniques

... können Missing Data Techniken helfen, eventuelle Selektionsverzerrungen in em- pirischen Analysen zu ...ter Missing Data Techniken bei der Ausfall- korrektur im Rahmen einer Fallstudie zu ver- ...


Missing Data in the Context of Student Growth

Missing Data in the Context of Student Growth

... all missing observations contribute equally to a student’s predicted future performance, arguably teachers of later grades may be less affected by missing observations than their counterparts who teach ...


Variable selection for models with missing data

Variable selection for models with missing data

... This dissertation is composed of three papers which address the problem of vari- able selection for models with missing data. In the first paper, we consider variable selection for generalized linear models ...




... handling missing values that have been developed by ...the missing values and compares their ...other missing data treatment methods due to its rich computation ...the data mining ...


Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data

Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data

... (with missing responses and/or covariates), but also to any other semiparametric model with missing ...with missing data. Their method relies however on auxiliary data containing ...


Analysis of repeated measurements with missing data

Analysis of repeated measurements with missing data

... of missing data in clinical trials are described in the Interna- tional Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Phar- maceuticals for Human Use (ICH) E9 guideline [ICH-E9, ...


Neutrality Tests for Sequences with Missing Data

Neutrality Tests for Sequences with Missing Data

... with missing data simply by removing individuals and/or positions af- fected with incomplete ...as missing data represent a very minor fraction of the alleles, since in this case they do not ...


Dealing with Missing Data and Uncertainty in the Context of Data Mining

Dealing with Missing Data and Uncertainty in the Context of Data Mining

... complete data, Na¨ıve Bayes and J48 perform worse than SMO and Ran- dom ...the data for the algorithms we tested, thus it is not recommended if missing values are spread among records in high dimen- ...


Data Cleaning Using Identify the Missing Data Algorithm (IMDA)

Data Cleaning Using Identify the Missing Data Algorithm (IMDA)

... Nowadays, data cleaning solutions are very important for the large amount of data handling users in a company and ...others. Data cleaning, deals with detecting and removing errors and ...


Semiparametric quasi-likelihood estimation with missing data

Semiparametric quasi-likelihood estimation with missing data

... In this paper we consider quasi-likelihood estimation for generalized varying coefficients partially linear models when the responses are partially observable. Under the assumption of selection on the observables we ...


Some methods for handling missing data in surveys

Some methods for handling missing data in surveys

... each missing item to account for full uncertainty associated with cell determi- ...multivariate missing data with arbitrary missing patterns, using the proposed two-phase stratification ...


Robust Methods for Estimating the Mean with Missing Data.

Robust Methods for Estimating the Mean with Missing Data.

... covariates Z but also on the value of Y itself. Schouten (2007) proposes a selection strategy for weighting variables that relaxes the MAR assumption. The method uses a generalized regression estimator to estimate the ...


Variable Selection when Confronted with Missing Data

Variable Selection when Confronted with Missing Data

... the data are far from normally distributed ...the missing values in the data set; the normality assumption has no impact on variables that have no missing ...imputed data sets in cases ...


A Semiparametric Approach for Analyzing Nonignorable Missing Data

A Semiparametric Approach for Analyzing Nonignorable Missing Data

... the missing data ...potentially missing outcome, and present specific formulas of the sensitivity index in the Appendix when the relationship follows a quadratic ...the missing data ...


Effect of missing data on multitask prediction methods

Effect of missing data on multitask prediction methods

... multitarget data sets, where compounds have been tested against different targets, with the aim of developing models to predict a profile of biological activities for a given com- ...multitarget data sets ...


Transmogrified Imputation Algorithm for Clustering Data in Missing Data Imputation

Transmogrified Imputation Algorithm for Clustering Data in Missing Data Imputation

... in missing values. Appropriate data pre-processing methods and clustering mechanisms in data mining plays significant role to ensure good quality of ...The data pre-processing tasks include ...


Effect of missing data on multitask prediction methods

Effect of missing data on multitask prediction methods

... multitarget data sets, where compounds have been tested against different targets, with the aim of developing models to predict a profile of biological activities for a given com- ...multitarget data sets ...


Simple descriptive missing data indicators in longitudinal studies with attrition, intermittent missing data and a high number of follow ups

Simple descriptive missing data indicators in longitudinal studies with attrition, intermittent missing data and a high number of follow ups

... In order to highlight different individual patterns in miss- ingness, we have introduced three missing data indica- tors. We propose these indicators as descriptive tools in an early stage of evaluating a ...


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