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Utilizing Of Fractional Programming For Multi  Objective Multi  Item Solid Transportation Problems In Fuzzy Environment

Utilizing Of Fractional Programming For Multi Objective Multi Item Solid Transportation Problems In Fuzzy Environment

... presented multi- objective mutli- item STP with fuzzy numbers in the supplies, demands, capacity of conveyances, and ...fuzzy multi- criteria ...investigated multi- objective ...


Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear Programming Approach

Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear Programming Approach

... The Traveling Salesman Problem is well-known among NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. It represents a class of problems which are analogous to finding the least-cost sequence for visiting a set of cities, ...


Multi Objective Calibration For Agent Based Models

Multi Objective Calibration For Agent Based Models

... the multi- objective genetic algorithm and the conventional ge- netic algorithm occurs when selection is ...The multi-object ge- netic algorithm differs from this standard algorithm in two important ...


Multi-Objective Optimization Concept Based on Periodical and Permanent Objective within a Process

Multi-Objective Optimization Concept Based on Periodical and Permanent Objective within a Process

... notable multi-objective optimization methods and their application in many problem domains in addition to currently and often use standard approach by setting a fix optimal weight point among multiple ...


Multi objective, multi level, multi stakeholder considerations for airport slot allocation

Multi objective, multi level, multi stakeholder considerations for airport slot allocation

... the multi-level, multi-objective considerations of airport slot ...integrated multi-actor decision-making-validation methods such as MAMCA (Macharis et ...


An Optimization Model for Multi-period Multi-Product Multi-objective Production Planning

An Optimization Model for Multi-period Multi-Product Multi-objective Production Planning

... Altiparmak, Gen, Lin, and Paksoy (2006) [5] formulated a mixed integer nonlinear model for a multi-objective supply chain network designed for a single product of a plastic company. A solution procedure ...


Evidence of coevolution in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

Evidence of coevolution in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

... single objective fitness landscape as a consequence of selective and recombinative ...directions. Multi- objective problems provide an environment for optimization where individuals are also driven ...


Duality in Solving Multi Objective Optimization (MOO) Problems

Duality in Solving Multi Objective Optimization (MOO) Problems

... [8] Nawkhass, M.A. and Birdawod, H.Q. (2017) Transformed and Solving Multi-Objective Linear Programming Problems to Single-Objective by Using Cor- relation Technique. Cihan International Journal of ...


Analytical Method of Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm with Multi Objective Messy Genetic Algorithm in Satellite Image Segmentation

Analytical Method of Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm with Multi Objective Messy Genetic Algorithm in Satellite Image Segmentation

... The constraints classify the possible area F that contains all the allowable solutions. some solution exterior this area is not allowed since it violates one or more constraints. The vector v denotes an greatest solution ...


On Fuzzy Multi-Objective Multi-Item Solid Transportation Problems

On Fuzzy Multi-Objective Multi-Item Solid Transportation Problems

... [11] Ida, K., Gen, M., and Li, X., (1995), Solving multicriteria solid transportation problem with fuzzy numbers by genetic algorithm, European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT' 95), Aachen, ...


Linear Support for Multi-Objective Coordination Graphs

Linear Support for Multi-Objective Coordination Graphs

... Instead, multi-objective methods, which compute the set of all potentially useful solutions, are ...new multi-objective algorithm for multi-agent coordina- tion that exploits loose ...


Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm: A Comprhensive Survey

Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm: A Comprhensive Survey

... A multi- objective optimization problem is defined by a function f which maps a set of constraint variables to a set of objective ...one objective than the ...a multi objective ...


Multi Objective Programming For Transportation Planning Decision

Multi Objective Programming For Transportation Planning Decision

... In real life all objectives are not of same importance i.e. they are of varying utilities so the normalized weight may be assigned to the membership function for determining the overall achievement function V(U). The ...


Multi-Objective Workflow Scheduling in Amazon EC2

Multi-Objective Workflow Scheduling in Amazon EC2

... An Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization (EMO)basedalgorithm used. First User Select the virtual machine then choose real world workflows and randomly generated workflows show that the schedules ...


Multi objective Optimization for Efficient Brahmic Keyboards

Multi objective Optimization for Efficient Brahmic Keyboards

... This paper discusses the use of multi-objective optimization in creating efficient keyboards. In order to demonstrate value of this research on a global scale, we chose to develop keyboards for two very ...


Point-Based Planning for Multi-Objective POMDPs

Point-Based Planning for Multi-Objective POMDPs

... In this paper we proposed, analyzed, and tested OLSAR, a novel algorithm for MOPOMDPs that intelligently selects a sequence of scalarized POMDPs to solve. OLSAR uses OCPerseus, a scalarized MOPOMDP solver that returns ...


PSA based multi objective evolutionary algorithms

PSA based multi objective evolutionary algorithms

... Algorithms in the second category treat diversity as a property of each indi- vidual according to the density of solutions surrounding it. Fitness sharing of NPGA [12], crowding distance of NSGA-II [13], the diversity ...


Safe Multi-objective Planning with a Posteriori Preferences

Safe Multi-objective Planning with a Posteriori Preferences

... new multi-objective planning algorithm that uses the Monte-Carlo Tree Search to optimise the sets of the best ...this multi-objective search to select policies based on their relative quality ...




... a multi-criteria problem to one criterion problem not always is the best method to solve multi-criteria problems, especially in the case when number of criteria is larger than ...evolutionary ...


Multi Objective Search Results Clustering

Multi Objective Search Results Clustering

... a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem to take advantage of most recent works in ...two objective functions (compactness and separability), which are simultaneously optimized using a MOO-based ...


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