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Compressing the Response to Requests for CSP Forms (GZIP/ZLIB)

In document CSP Gateway Configuration Guide (Page 100-105)

Note: The CSP Gateway does not support GZIP compression on VMS.

Compressing the response generated by the CSP engine before dispatching it to the client is advantageous because it can dramatically reduce the network bandwidth required to transport the response to the client. From the client’s perspective the performance of the application is improved. This is particularly true for clients accessing the application through mobile devices over slower telecommunications networks. There is, of course, a cost in terms of the web server host’s CPU time that’s required to actually compress the data but this is a small price to pay for the advantages.

The advantage of serving compressed response data is particularly marked for CSP pages for which large volumes of response data are generated.

There are two methods for implementing GZIP in a web server environment.

Using the Gateway’s own interface to the GZIP library described here.

Using a GZIP output filter as an add-on to the hosting web server.

Most web servers offer add-on facilities for compressing data. Windows/IIS offers a gzip filter (implemented as an ISAPI filter). The Apache Group offer a compression filter implemented as an add-on module (mod_deflate.c – which, rather confusingly, implements gzip compression not deflate). There is also a third-party module for Apache called mod_gzip.c. There are a number of third-party GZIP products available as add-ons for most web servers.

The advantages of implementing a compression solution directly in the CSP Gateway are as follows:

Ease of setup and configuration.

Greater flexibility in controlling which CSP files are to be compressed.

The Gateway receives the response content from Caché in fairly large chunks; therefore the performance of the com- pression and the degree of compression achieved is better if the data is submitted to the compressor functions in large buffers.

Finally, it has been discovered that if Chunked Transfer Encoding is enabled at the CSP Gateway level and if the Apache mod_deflate output filter is enabled for the same resources, then Windows browsers are occasionally unable to display the response content.

The Gateway makes use of the freely available GZIP (or zlib) library for implementing data compression. The compression algorithm used is described in RFCs (Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952.

5.6.1 Installing the GZIP/ZLIB Library

You can download the GZIP/ZLIB library from the following site:


This resource was developed by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (Copyright (C) 1995-2006).

The library is freely available for all platforms on which the Gateway is supported. It is implemented as a DLL for Windows (zlib.dll), a shared object (or shared library) for UNIX® systems (libz.so or libz.sl) and a ZLIB library is available as a shareable image for OpenVMS. The library libz.so (or libz.sl) is usually pre-installed on all Linux systems (it is usually installed in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib).

The Gateway dynamically links to the ZLIB library when response compression is requested for the first time. Thereafter the ZLIB library remains loaded until the Gateway is closed down.

For Windows, the ZLIB library should be installed in the Windows System32 directory:


It should be noted that in the latest distributions, the library is named as ZLIB1.dll. This must be renamed to ZLIB.DLL in order for the Gateway to find it.

For UNIX® systems, the library (libz.so or libz.sl) is usually installed in one of the following locations:



If the Gateway is able to load the ZLIB library on demand and identify all the required functions, the following initialization message is written to the Event Log:

CSP Gateway Initialization

The ZLIB library is loaded - Version 1.2.3.

(This library is used for the optional GZIP compression facility)

If the Gateway cannot find or link to the ZLIB library, it operates as before (pages are returned without being compressed). A statement of failure is written to the Event Log.

5.6.2 Using the GZIP/ZLIB Library

The Gateway implements two modes of operation (1 and 2) for compressing the response data using the ZLIB library: 1. In this mode, the Gateway streams all data received from Caché into the compressor. When all the data has been pro-

cessed, the compressor streams the compressed data back to the Gateway at which point it is forwarded on to the client. This mode offers the best possible compression at the expense of slightly higher latency. Of course, the latency is more pronounced for larger forms.

2. In this mode, the Gateway streams all data received from Caché into the compressor. On each and every call, the compressor makes as much compressed data as it can available to the Gateway at which point it is forwarded on to the client.

This mode offers the lowest possible latency at the expense of slightly reduced level of compression. Of course, the reduction in the degree of compression achieved is more pronounced for larger forms. Generally speaking, mode 2 is more appropriate for CSP applications where it’s usually not possible to know, in advance, how much data a CSP response contains.

If (and only if) the Gateway is able to successfully compress the data stream returned from Caché, it modifies the HTTP response headers to include the appropriate Content-Encoding directive. For example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

Set-Cookie: CSPSESSIONID=000000000002119qMwh3003228403243; path=/csp/samples/; CACHE-CONTROL: no-cache CONNECTION: Close DATE: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 10:05:18 GMT EXPIRES: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:04:19 GMT PRAGMA: no-cache Content-Encoding: gzip

Before attempting to compress response data, the Gateway always checks the value of the Accept-Encoding HTTP request header (the HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING CGI environment variable). The Gateway only compresses a response if the client has indicated that it is capable of dealing with compressed content.

For example:

There are several methods for specifying that a CSP response should be compressed. These are discussed in the following sections.

5.6.3 Specifying Compression for Individual Pages

The %response object contains a property called GzipOutput. If this property is set to true (or the mode required) the Gateway attempts to compress the response.

<script language=Cache method=OnPreHTTP arguments="" returntype=%Boolean>

Set %response.GzipOutput = 2 Quit 1


Compression can also be specified on a per-page basis by adding the CSP-gzip directive to the HTTP response headers. This must, of course, be done in the OnPreHTTP method. For example:

<script language=Cache method=OnPreHTTP arguments="" returntype=%Boolean>

Do %response.SetHeader("CSP-gzip", "2") Quit 1


The CSP-gzip header directive should be set to the compression mode required (1 or 2).

5.6.4 Specifying Compression for All Pages within an Application Path

Compression can be specified on a per-application path basis. This, incidentally, is the commonest method for indicating that compression should be used when using a web server output filter (such as mod_deflate).

Use the following configuration parameters in the Gateway Application Access section: Function


If Enabled, all CSP output for that path is compressed using the Gateway's mode 2 of operation. Default is Disabled (no compression).

GZIP Compression

Control the minimum response size for which compression is activated. The parameter is specified in Bytes. If left empty then all responses for which GZIP is enabled are compressed.

GZIP Minimum File Size

List of file types to be excluded from GZIP compression. Can be listed by MIME type (such as image/jpeg) or by common extension (such as jpeg). Internally, the Gateway always matches file types according to their formal MIME type. Therefore, if a list of types is specified in terms of common extension, the Gateway translates them to their corresponding MIME type at start-up time. The Gateway associates file extensions with MIME types using an internal table which is modeled on the Apache Group's mime.types configuration file. By default, common (natively compressed) image files are automatically added to the exclusion list. Separate types and/or extensions with a space.

For example:

GZIP Exclude File Types: jpeg gif ico png

GZIP Exclude File Types

5.6.5 Monitoring

An Event Log level of V3 instructs the Gateway to record the degree of compression achieved for all CSP responses that were successfully compressed. The size of the compressed data and the original uncompressed data stream is recorded.

For example:

GZIP Compression for /csp/samples/inspector.csp GZIP Mode=1; Uncompressed Content Size=19042; Compressed Content Size=2499 (13 percent)

5.7 CSP Page Output Caching

Most web developers are familiar with the way web browsers support a client cache of previously requested web pages. Client-side page caching can improve the performance for individual users by allowing previously accessed pages to be retrieved from local storage (memory or local hard drive) rather than as a result of fetching the document from the original server.

CSP Page Output Caching provides the option to maintain a cache of frequently accessed pages within the CSP Gateway. Since the Gateway is a core component residing on the web server, its cache can be shared amongst all users of that CSP installation. For example, if a single user requests a page that is configured to be placed in the Gateway cache, then all subsequent requests for that page can use the cached copy. Cached pages are available to all users. This facility can have a dramatic effect on performance for two reasons: Firstly, from a user’s perspective, pages retrieved from the cache are served extremely quickly and, secondly, the Caché system is not involved in the delivery of cached pages so its work load is significantly reduced.

The Page Output Caching facility implemented for CSP is based on the equivalent mechanism provided by Microsoft’s ASP.NET product. This choice of design was made in order to reduce the amount of learning involved in getting to grips with this facility. Most developers are familiar with ASP.NET.

Page caching is controlled by settings within the CSP %response object. Two properties are available for controlling which pages should be cached and for how long. The default behavior of CSP is that pages should not be placed in the cache.

5.7.1 %response.Expires Property

The standard Expires property controls how long a page should reside in the cache.

For example, if a page is set to expire in one minute, the Gateway removes the page after it has resided in the cache for 60 seconds.

%response.Expires=[60 seconds time]

The equivalent ASP.NET directive would be:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="60"%>

5.7.2 %response.VaryByParam Property

This property allows you to control how many cached versions of the page should be created based on name-value pairs sent through HTTP POST/GET. The default value is None. None implies that only one version of the page is added to the cache, and all HTTP GET/POST parameters are simply ignored. The opposite of the None value is *. The asterisk implies that all name-value pairs passed in are to be used to create cached versions of the page. The granularity can be controlled, however, by explicitly naming parameters (multiple parameter names are separated using semicolons).

The use of the VaryByParam property is best illustrated by means of an example. Let's say we're building a web application that is capable of displaying the weather forecast for the 50 United States. This application is completely encapsulated in one page: Weather.csp.

Weather.csp presents the user with a drop-down list of states. A state is selected from the drop-down list and the value of the state is sent back to Weather.csp. For example, State=WA or State=TX. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that we're using HTTP GET to send the data. Once an item (i.e. State) is selected, the request is sent to the server:


Let's assume that the forecast is only updated once a day and that there’s a significant overhead in generating the forecast. We could add the following directives to the %response object of Weather.csp:

%response.Expires=[2 hours time] %response.VaryByParam="State"

The ASP.NET equivalent would be:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="10800" VaryByParam="State" %>

This would result in every single page, for each state, being cached independently of one another for two hours: Weather.csp

Weather.csp?State=WA Weather.csp?State=TX ...etc.

Now suppose that we add further functionality to show the weather for a specific city. In order to cache pages based on the state and city parameter, we would change the cache directives to:

%response.Expires=[2 hours time] %response.VaryByParam="State;City"

The ASP.NET equivalent would be:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="10800" VaryByParam="State;City" %>

The VaryByParam property allows us to cache multiple versions of the same page based on parameters sent through HTTP GET/POST. Be extremely careful when using *, as this can potentially fill the output cache with pages that are not frequently accessed. Remember, the more specific we make the VaryByParam property, the more frequently the Gateway can serve pages from the cache. For example, when only specifying a state, we have 51 versions of the page in the cache (50 states + the version with no parameters). When the city parameter is added, and assuming that we have an average of 15 cities per-state, we suddenly increase the number of potentially cached pages to 751.

The Gateway automatically evicts pages from the cache if it becomes constrained by memory as a result of the total volume of the cache becoming too large.

5.7.3 Preserving the User’s Session ID for Cached Pages

The requesting user’s session ID must be preserved within pages retrieved from the cache, regardless of whether the session is being maintained via a Cookie (CSPSESSIONID) or via the token (Form/URL variable: CSPCHD).

When a page is cached it is cached against the identity of the user that actually retrieved the page from Caché. This page contains the session ID as either the CSPSESSIONID cookie or as the CSPCHD token. Before serving a cached page to the user, the Gateway replaces all occurrences of both variables with the requesting user’s session token. In fact, the session cookie is actually removed from the cache, which achieves the same thing because the Cookie is preserved on the requesting user’s browser.

For example, let’s suppose that a page is cached by user xxxxxxx. The page is cached with the following identity: Set-Cookie: CSPSESSIONID=xxxxxxx;

Now, when another user aaaaaaa subsequently retrieves this page from the cache, the cookie is, theoretically, changed to:

Set-Cookie: CSPSESSIONID=aaaaaaa;

The Gateway must, however, take action for pages that maintain the user’s session through the session token, CSPCHD. In this case, the initial cached page contains references to the original user as shown below:

<A HREF="/csp/page.csp?CSPCHD=xxxxxxx">


The Gateway automatically changes the value of the session token to reflect the identity of the requesting user. For example, when user aaaaaaa subsequently requests this page from the cache, the Gateway modifies these lines as follows: <A HREF="/csp/page.csp?CSPCHD=aaaaaaa">


5.8 CSP with Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) and

In document CSP Gateway Configuration Guide (Page 100-105)